Mixing Up Old Seeds for an Anarchy Garden


Earlier this week I posted this video update on a garden where I just threw out a bunch of seeds and tilled them in:

Mj K comments:

This is a great experiment. I’m currently doing something similar with perennial red clover, perennial alfalfa, perennial sorrel and perennial chicory in my grocery row garden between the fruit trees. I came up with the idea two years ago because (at the time) I knew I wouldn’t have enough time to plant and maintain annual vegetables while we had too much other stuff going on in life for a while. Two years later, there are still abundant greens although almost all of it is now chicory and sorrel. During that time, I’ve been blessed with an endless supply of perennial cooking greens and greens for the rabbits and my daughter’s pet guinea pigs. During this time of little activity in the garden, these roots have been putting their humic acids in the soil and tilling the ground helping build the structure of the earth. Because these are mostly hardy perennials-, I hardly had to give them any supplemental water the second year, even with the hellish summers we have here in San Antonio, TX. I’d say the experiment was a success. Hope to retire next year and have more time in the garden and more time to work on my perennial plant breeding projects.

You can see the initial planting here:

It’s a lot of fun to grow this way and it does teach you to beat your obsessive/compulsive side.

I’ve done it before:

GardenIntercropWeb - Survival Gardening

I love the madness!

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