A few blooms in the garden


This year we planted quite a few flowers in the Grocery Row Gardens.

Lots of zinnia.

zinnia - Survival Gardening

Sunflowers.sunflower in garden - Survival Gardening

This little rose, which is Daisy’s, struggled in the acid grit of the Sand Pit of Death, but after transplanting it over here into the Grocery Row Gardens, it’s found new life.tea rose in garden - Survival Gardening

We put a few different lantanas in the gardens as well. They are a bullet-proof blooming perennial in Florida and Lower Alabama.yellow lantana - Survival Gardening

And, as always, cannas. Edible roots, edible blooms, and some of them are good chop-and-drop plants as well.canna - Survival Gardening

This isn’t a bloom, but it’s beautiful! Check out this variegated cassava variety:
variegated cassava - Survival Gardening

And last, but not least, Daisy has planted a lot of mixed cosmos in her gardens so she can save seed for her Good Gardens storecosmos daisy garden - Survival Gardening

Happy weekend, everyone. Do something beautiful that brings joy into your life and the life of those around you!

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