Happy Thanksgiving! | The Survival Gardener


There is a lot to be thankful for.

We finally got some good rain
The greenhouse is finished
The new compost pile is done
We had a support pillar on our porch start to fail and friends helped us fix it before it did serious damage to the house
We have wonderful friends
We have a good church
The children are safe and healthy
The garden gave us over a ton of food
Scrubfest II went off without a hitch
We have my mother here for Thanksgiving
The Grocery Row Gardening system continues to prove itself
We own our own home (via a mortgage, but ’tis better than renting!)
We have a working vehicle
We have food in the fridge and in the garden
Our two cows each gave birth to a healthy heifer calf in the last few weeks
…and most of all, our new son was born safely and protected from all harm.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone.


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