Black Panther Sighting with Photo Evidence


This report from Texas has the wildlife “experts” freaking out:

“Jerel Hall, who lives in the city about 70 miles north of Houston, snapped a photo that has prompted a barrage of questions on social media and follow-up articles in national news outlets. The grainy photo, posted to Facebook on Saturday, appears to show a dark-colored feline that’s larger than a house cat and has a long tail.

“Well we have officially spotted a panther on our property!” Hall wrote on the post.

While Hall did not immediately respond to USA TODAY’s request for a comment on Wednesday, he told the Houston Chronicle that the photo was taken from around 120 to 150 yards away and that he estimates the animal to be between 80 and 100 pounds.

“Growing up, I’ve heard screams like a lady before but typically those are bobcats or lynx,” Hall told the newspaper, adding that he previously saw a black panther nine years ago, chasing a herd of feral hogs.”

There are black panthers in Alabama, too. Plenty of reports, and I’ve seen a photo of a black panther cub from a local man’s game cam.

One of my sons spotted a panther on our property a month or two ago, though it wasn’t a black one.

They’re not supposed to be here (according to the “experts”), but they are.

I tend to trust local lore and legend more than I trust scientists.

Scientists also claim Bigfoot isn’t real.

Sad! Low energy!


*Picture at top is our cat impersonating a panther. 

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