Is Alcohol Toxic? | The Survival Gardener


Is alcohol toxic – even in small amounts?

I find alcohol to be pleasant to drink, but it rapidly makes me tired, then disturbs my sleep and makes me feel fuzzy the next day, even in small amounts.

Perhaps I’ve been poisoning myself.

So, is alcohol toxic? This is an interesting presentation:

I don’t know anything about this presenter, but he has a good jaw line. And he has done his research.

I have been a moderate drinker since I was 21. As I’ve gotten older, alcohol has agreed with me less and less.

I had my last drink on the 7th, and will see what happens over the month as I continue to abstain.

We’ll see if it has any effect on my energy levels and health. Apparently alcohol still interferes with the brain for days after having a drink. Since I’m no longer smoking (as of the 1st), I’m already in “quitting” mode.

I should quit caffeine as well and make it a trifecta.

No. That’s too much.

In the podcast, there is a ton of information on the toxic effects of drinking. It may not be a “healthy in moderation” practice, despite the news articles we grew up with linking red wine to heart health, etc.

Why not experiment and see what it feels like to be a boring teetotaler?

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