FREE DOWNLOAD!! Rendezvous Roundup Gun Magazine


In this magazine you will find tons of great stuff. Our editors work with an incredible and accomplished group of firearm content creators. Collectively, they’ve won dozens of writing and sport-shooting awards. This group of writers comprises two Marines and five Army veterans. One worked in military intelligence, while another served as a reserve police officer. From DOD personnel security to Embassy duty, many have served our country.

The diversity of their skills only begins there. The group includes a History Channel Top Shot competitor alongside a DEA supervisory special agent. Plus, Army paratroopers, a combat medic, a former deputy sheriff, and even the former director of the Patton Museum of Cavalry and Armor. One of our writers is a mechanical engineer who summited Mount McKinley in Alaska a stunning six times!

From flying helicopters to literally delivering babies, our team showcases an array of skills. Some even speak several different languages, including Lithuanian, Croatian, German, Russian, and Serbian! (Some even speak some decent English!) These guys and gals boast tons of experience and expertise in the firearms industry.

Be sure to check out our gun writer bios to read about the wide range of shooting lifestyle experiences they bring to our content.


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