Survival Trip in Aboriginal Australia–Mäpuru Homelands, Northern Territory

Despite what you may see on television, the true survival experts of the world are the 300 million indigenous peoples currently living in close connection to their ancestral lands. To learn from them is to learn from the true masters.
The Yolngu Australian Aboriginal people of Mäpuru are living with dignity on their ancestral homelands, and have an unbroken connection to their culture and country- spanning over 60,000 years.

This video shows some highlights of a recent trip where I was able to learn from, and travel with the Yolngu people of Northern Australia thanks to old friends at
Just a few times every year the community invites small groups onto their country – to share in their lives, their wisdom and learn traditional earth skills. This is for the benefit of their children and all future generations.
To learn more about this Community Development Program check out my good friend’s website at

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