Self-Defense Tip #122 — Good Advice from Reviewers of Unbreakable® Umbrellas


Reviews with good advice from owners of Unbreakable® Umbrellas (one for any model of a walking-stick umbrella and one for any model of a telescopic umbrella)

review U 212s order 9859 instagram stories 6043 9859 blue073B77 - Self Defense

“This is a great alternative for when you are restricted from carrying. You can take this anyplace. Plus, it doubles as a really good umbrella. One thing I would say to people is you have to do some training with a baton prior to deploying this item.
(Original of this review is at

My comment:
The best baton training is taught in a video course Essential Military Stick 2 from Floro Fighting Systems, a complete system of self-defense with stick-like weapons (cane, long umbrella, collapsible umbrella, baton, rolled newspaper). Which is why with each order we offer a discount coupon code for the course Essential Military Stick 2. The course is priced in Australian Dollars at 50.00 (50.00 AUD = 39.50 USD) but you can get it for only 31.60 USD (40 AUD) with coupon code KURZMATES.

To use the code, go to the course’s page (, press “Order,” then scroll down to the bottom of the Order page and on the right side, where there is a “Have a coupon code?” option, type: KURZMATES and a $10 (Australian dollars) discount will be applied.

review U 115 order 7437 instagram stories 5994 7437 redC10B04 - Self Defense

“Very functional as a self defense tool….You MUST practice with it to become familiar with the feel of it, compared to a crooked cane. Great for bayonet jabs and joint locks.. I’ll have to invest in your collapsible umbrella for those rainy days when I need to walk with my cane”
(Original of this review is at

My comment:
The best system of self-defense with long blunt-impact weapons, such us canes, walking-sticks, and long umbrellas is Ray Floro’s Dos Manos System. More info on Ray Floro’s Dos Manos System is in Self-Defense Tip #121. This course too is priced in Australian Dollars at 50.00 (50.00 AUD = 39.50 USD) but you can get it for only 31.60 USD (40 AUD) with coupon code KURZMATES.

To use the code, go to the course’s page (, press “Order,” then scroll down to the bottom of the Order page and on the right side, where there is a “Have a coupon code?” option, type: KURZMATES and a $10 (Australian dollars) discount will be applied.

And here is a video review of our walking-stick umbrella with advice on its use in self-defense:


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