10 Years of TheSurvivalGardener.com! | The Survival Gardener


Ten years ago I launched my daily gardening blog.

It didn’t start as “The Survival Gardener;” instead, it launched as “Florida Survival Gardening,” which I later changed as my writing and readers grew beyond the borders of the Sunshine State.

For the first three years, I posted a new post every day. Later, I skipped weekends. Then, even later, we had disruptions (like being locked down overseas) which kept me from posting at all for as much as a week or more at a time. But I never quit.

When I started the blog, I was living in North Florida and building a food forest. This is me back then:

david in 2012 1 - Survival Gardening

And here I am now, 10 years, 12 gardening books, 2532 posts and 4 more children later:

david in 2022 - Survival Gardening

Naw, I don’t look tired at all! I’m just getting started.

In the last ten years, we moved overseas and back, bought land and sold land, rented too many times, and finally ended up on some land of our own in Lower Alabama.

I started this blog to write about my gardening ideas and methods and gather a following over time so when I wrote a book, I would have a built-in audience. Posting daily was a way to ensure it happened.

Concerted effort over time!

That was the idea, and it ran counter to my natural tendency to launch and then abandon projects.

After the first month of posting I fell into a groove and it became easier to continue.

The first book I released was the little booklet version of Create Your Own Florida Food Forest.

FloridaFoodForestsCoverNewBLweb - Survival Gardening

Much to my delight, it sold about $200 worth of copies in the first month. And then… it kept on selling, slowly but regularly. It would never make me rich, but it did pay my internet bill.

My book-writing career was launched.

After that, I started finishing book projects in quick succession. Here they are by year:


Compost Everything: The Good Guide to Extreme Composting

compost everything - Survival Gardening
Totally Crazy Easy Florida Gardening

Totally Crazy Easy Florida Gardening web - Survival Gardening
Grow or Die: The Good Guide to Survival Gardening

Grow Or Die Cover Web - Survival Gardening


Push the Zone: The Good Guide to Growing Tropical Plants Beyond the Tropics

Push the Zone cover web - Survival Gardening


Turned Earth: A Jack Broccoli Novel

Jack Broccoli Paperback Turned Earth - Survival Gardening

Start Your Own Home-Based Plant Nursery

Start a home based plant nursery web - Survival Gardening


Free Plants for Everyone: The Good Guide to Plant Propagation

free plants.cover better - Survival Gardening


Florida Survival Gardening

Florida Survival Gardening - Survival Gardening


Grocery Row Gardening

Grocery Row Gardening ebook cover web - Survival Gardening


Garden Heat

garden heat 640x1024 - Survival Gardening
Create Your Own Florida Food Forest (Revised, Illustrated and Massively Expanded 2nd Edition)

create your own florida food forest - Survival Gardening
The South Florida Gardening Survival Guide

South Florida Gardening Survival Guide - Survival Gardening

The Future

I have gained many readers since launching the blog and establishing myself as a gardening author. But not only that, my YouTube channel has exploded and is now at almost 240,000 subscribers, dwarfing the reach of this site. That is a different experience, as many YouTube enthusiasts prefer watching to reading. This means that no matter where I go or if I’m renting or owning, I need to have a garden in place so there’s something to show on YouTube.

Getting our own house and land last month should help immensely, as we can now build longer-term projects. I am very interested in breeding new corn and pumpkin varieties for Lower Alabama, as well as in expanding my Grocery Row Gardening idea and observing it long-term. I’d also like to plant a nice kitchen/herb/medicinal garden out back, and experiment with growing terrifying death hedges to exclude people and animals from our land. I’d also like to plant a nice, big food forest in the front yard, and plant a bunch of different varieties of apples.

All these things wouldn’t have happened without you guys, though. Many people found my writing and bought my books, which allowed me to go from a free-lance writer, house painter and audio editor to being a full-time gardening author and YouTuber.

Thank you. It’s been an amazing ten years. My goal was realized, and I am grateful. God is good and has kept us and allowed me to pursue a path that is truly fulfilling. It took a lot of hard work to get here (In my 20s I couldn’t imagine writing a post every day, let alone finishing a book or more a year!), but I made it. My wife believed in me, too, and that made a huge difference.

Here’s to another ten years of TheSurvivalGardener.com!

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