19 Amazing [and Free!] DIY Greenhouse Plans and Ideas


Want to beautify your backyard with a breathtaking greenhouse?

Then read this article!

You’ve just stumbled upon the holy grail of DIY greenhouse plans, resources, and tutorials!

We’ve scoured the internet and our private gardening archives to find the most inspirational greenhouse ideas – even if you’re not sure what your flowers, plants, herbs, and veggies need to survive.

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It doesn’t matter what type of budget you have or how large of a greenhouse you want! The following greenhouse plans are the best (and most diverse) we could find anywhere!

Free DIY Greenhouse Plans

Whether you’re a budget-conscious gardener or seasoned green thumb who demands nothing but the best, we’ve got you covered.

So, which DIY greenhouse ideas are the best for you?

Let’s take a look!

# 1 – The Best Rustic Timber Greenhouse Plan

When I saw how adorable this rustic DIY greenhouse looked, I knew it had to go on this list of DIY greenhouse ideas – and in a prominent spot! 

Whether you want to start your veggie garden early in the colder months – or if you want to maximize your small garden space during the raging heat of summer, I love the rustic simplicity of this greenhouse!

Not only does this greenhouse look wondrous, but it’s also one of the niftiest side projects if you’re new to the world of greenhouses and want a fun family activity.

You also get downloadable instructions with plenty of vibrant photos to help you follow along.

Bonus points for convenience!

# 2 – The Perfect Mini 2-Liter Greenhouse

There’s a big reason that I put this 2-liter greenhouse as number two on this list.


I love the clever design – and it’s also the cheapest (and lightest) greenhouse design you can deploy.

This mini 2-liter greenhouse should win a Nobel Peace Prize for ingenuity, economy, and convenience. 

The coolest part is that the 2-liter greenhouses can also protect your baby seedlings from cold weather shock! 

I use a similar design to protect my baby vegetable transplants.

That way, I don’t have to worry about a last-minute overnight chill! 

In New England, every week counts when planning your harvest.

# 3 – A Genius Terrarium Mini-Garden Greenhouse – by NASA!

If you and your kids want an unforgettable home DIY greenhouse project that you can launch anywhere on the planet – then wait until you see this adorable terrarium mini-garden activity from NASA! 

Not only is this Terrarium one of the most adorable on this entire list – but you also get in-depth instructions so you can make your own at home.

I love the potential for myriad colors and vibrant indoor vegetation that also makes the perfect office or bedroom centerpiece!

Check out the full PDF tutorial here for a boatload of gardening fun: Read NASA’s Mini Garden Activity Book Here!

# 4 – Inverse DIY Terrarium Greenhouse

Here’s another terrarium greenhouse idea perfect for an enchanting home project. 

These DIY terrarium domes also double as an ideal garden hack for those in cold climates!

Another bonus of this DIY terrarium is that you probably already have all of the parts required to start today.

No fancy equipment, lumber, nail guns, or compressors necessary! 

These mini terrariums are also light, agile, and oodles of entertainment if you love DIY gardening projects.

You can cover your baby seedlings quickly and without breaking out the heavy gardening equipment – bonus points if you’re in a hurry for a fun project.

# 5 – The Portable Greenhouse

Want versatile simplicity and an excellent way to increase the solar rays for your plants?

Then check these portable greenhouses!

One of the most frustrating things is when the sun neglects part of your yard.

Doubly so if you’re growing veggies that need at least six hours of sunlight per day – portability is the true genius of this portable greenhouse!

Now you can effortlessly shift and carry the portable greenhouse around your backyard, side yard, patio, or front yard to maximize sun exposure throughout the day – no heavy lifting required!

# 6 – The Fold-Down Greenhouse!

In the world of gardening – presentation counts. 

But functionality reigns supreme!

Here’s another bright greenhouse option if you risk overnight frost – one of the banes of my gardening existence as a northern gardener.

I’ve used a similar design over my raised garden bed using a tacked 2-by-4 and a shower curtain.

The greenhouse didn’t look the best – but it kept my vegetables warm and protected from the frost for a few more days – which is just what I needed for a bountiful harvest.

# 7 – Old-School PVC Pipe Greenhouse

Here’s one of the best ways to build a sizeable greenhouse without spending all of those greenbacks!

I don’t think anything beats the look and feel of a solid oak-framed greenhouse.

But, as you know, the cost of lumber and oak are both skyrocketing beyond our wildest imaginations.

It’s tough to justify building a $5,000 greenhouse for $500 worth of veggies – if you’re lucky.

That’s why a PVC frame is one of the cleverest ways to build a sturdy greenhouse for your flowers and veggies – especially if you want to establish a relatively large greenhouse on a budget.

# 8 – Rustic Salvaged Window Greenhouse

I get sad every time I see all of the junk and plastic filling the landfills and the oceans – which is why I had to include these epic window frame greenhouses in this list!

Have you ever installed new windows in your home? 

One of the biggest problems is that nobody wants to take your spare windows off your hands – and trying to sell them for a good deal is like pulling teeth from a fiery-beaked dragon!

If you can relate, and if you want a borderline-genius method to reuse your salvaged windows, then consider lending them to your garden so your veggies can soak up the sun rays in vintage style.

# 9 – Traditional DIY Greenhouse. Made From Recycled Bottles?!

When I saw the genius innovation from a University of Michigan graduate student – I knew I had to share this DIY greenhouse idea with you!

The idea is to gather all of the 2-liter bottles in your home, neighborhood, place of business, or school – and use them to help build your greenhouse.

What better use do you have than to help grow delicious and savory veggies right in your backyard? 

No other purpose is more worthy!

After researching, I found that crafting entire greenhouses made from 2-liter bottles is more popular than I thought – kudos to all of the gardening DIYers of the world putting their plastic waste to good use!

# 10 – A Cute, Yet Practical Greenhouse Seed Box

Want a low-riding greenhouse idea that’s relatively straightforward to build?

Here’s a lovely seedbed greenhouse that’s easy to overlook, but there are a few reasons I love the design.

First, I love the simplicity. 

Here’s a lowkey greenhouse idea that’s easy to build without spending too much money or time.

If you want an outdoor seedbed or a way to start your veggies outside a few weeks before the last day of frost, then this is one of my favorite greenhouse options.

# 11 – The Epic Oregon Trail Greenhouse!

This high tunnel greenhouse with a looped cover reminded me of one of the wagons you might see when traveling through the Oregon Trail. 

The first thing I noticed about this greenhouse is that it can protect your veggies, flowers, and herbs from unwanted garden pests!

The other day, I noticed that someone (I mean something) chewed the top from many flowers in my flower garden!

I wasn’t sure who the culprit was – so I kept my eyes peeled.

A few days later, I was shocked to find a turkey perched in my garden bed – pecking and scratching, and looking for lunch!

I expected a bunny, rabbit, or squirrel as the most likely flower thief, but no.

My instincts were dead wrong!

That’s why this greenhouse idea gets bonus points – it’s perfect if you don’t have access to the most expensive materials, yet you still want to protect your crops from mid-afternoon pests seeking to munch on your garden.

# 12 – Mini Greenhouse Starter Kit

Check out this mini greenhouse plan that’s full of delight for your garden!

Maybe you want to sprout your tomatoes early, give your zucchini plant time to stretch in the sun, or you need a few more weeks to let your baby seedlings develop before you transplant them into your moist garden soil?

If so, then here’s one of my favorite greenhouse ideas that works like a charm.

The best part is that you don’t need any tools or hardware whatsoever!

Find one of your best plastic containers! 

Or, buy one on Amazon, and add a lid if exposed to overly cold temperatures overnight. 

Easy, convenient, low-cost, and highly flexible.

# 13 – Dollar Tree Greenhouse Starters

It seems like these days, in the US at least, dollar stores are taking over!

Tons of local mom and pops and larger companies are shutting down – but dollar stores are all the rage.

That’s why I wanted to showcase this excellent starter kit greenhouse kit from dollar tree! Perfect if you only have a few dollars to sprout your seeds.

Not only is this greenhouse perfectly portable, but I’ve had oodles of seeds sprouts using similar setups before without stress – and probably much quicker than you think.

More DIY Greenhouse Ideas and Plans

Are you looking for more DIY greenhouse guides?

I’ve scoured the top Universities on the planet to find the best DIY resources and plans – for free!

Take a look below.

You won’t believe what I’ve found!

# 14 – The Official USBC Greenhouse Manual!


Here’s the perfect all-in-one guide for greenhouse building in your backyard.

Check out this epic (and fully illustrated) report by the United States Botanic Garden. This report is one of the best resources I’ve found after scrounging the internet for days. 

By the way, it’s 100% free! 

Perfect if you want to study everything you need to know about greenhouses – including which one works best for your situation and how to build a beautiful DIY greenhouse from scratch.

community garden diy hoop house
Hoop house plans from NRCS

Here’s another handy guide from the USDA that teaches how to build a homemade hoop greenhouse from scratch.

You also get everything you need if you’re not the most technically inclined gardener – so you can launch a beautiful hoop house by Tuesday of next week – without accidentally banging your thumb with a hammer.

You also get a straightforward blueprint so you can hopefully erect a stunning greenhouse without second-guessing. 

# 16 – Building a Simple Greenhouse from Scratch!

This greenhouse tutorial is one of my favorite guides on building a simple (yet sturdy) greenhouse for your backyard!

The folks over at the University of Florida have greenhouse building down to an art – and a science.

If you want to build a backyard greenhouse without breaking the bank or scratching your head over complicated blueprints, then I invite you to read this report!

Also 100% free for you to launch and deploy.

You also get step instructions with tons of accompanying photographs – perfect if you want to build a DIY greenhouse today.

# 17 – Hobby Greenhouses

Here’s another beautiful DIY greenhouse resource and tutorial from the University of Georgia.

You’ll discover the different styles of greenhouses, greenhouse design, greenhouse frames, greenhouse heating, greenhouse beds, and more!

You also get a comprehensive list of greenhouse DIY plans so you can launch your preferred greenhouse idea without a snag.

It’s also 100% free – so it’s a highly recommended resource if you’re building your first hobby greenhouse!

# 18 – How to Build a Raised Bed Cloche

Here’s a hidden gem of a report that I found from the Oregon State Extension Service.

In the report, you’ll discover how to build a breathtaking raised bed cloche – perfect if you want to grow delicate plants in chilly New England weather!

You also get a comprehensive list of materials, instructions, plus full illustration so you can follow along and build a raised bed cloche without stress.

# 19 – Cold Frames vs. High Tunnels vs. Green Houses!

Are you familiar with the differences between cold frames, high tunnels, and greenhouses?

If not, then you should read this epic guide!

Which option is most affordable – and which is best for your situation?

You might be surprised to find out – especially if you have no clue about cold frames vs. greenhouses.

Our Simple Nursery Hoop House

The simple hoop houses we built for our plant nursery

We used to run a plant nursery from our property. Because we lived in the sub-tropics, no greenhouses were necessary. However, the plants needed protection from the sun, which is where these great hoop houses excel.

It is very simple to turn them into greenhouses, however. Simply replace the shade cloth with greenhouse material, and voila – your very own greenhouse.

This design can be as small or large as you want it to be. It is also easily extendable if you want to start small and work your way up.

Here’s a bunch of photos that will illustrate the process:

shadehouse frame
Green-stripe poly pipe (2″ from memory) fits snugly onto short star pickets, providing the perfect basis for a greenhouse.
shadehouse frame side
Roofing battens hold everything together and help you space the pipe evenly.
shadehouse batten
Roofing battens screwed onto poly pipe
shadehouse tie down
The top secured
diy easy hoop house garden 4898
Roofing battens along the base help hold the shade cloth or greenhouse material
shadehouse hauling up shadecloth
Hauling the shade cloth up and over is a bit of an ordeal – but worth it!
shadehouse shadecloth fastening
Washer to prevent the shade cloth ripping
shadehouse shadecloth tie down
Securing the shade cloth to the bottom roofing battens. You could leave the shade cloth or greenhouse material longer and cover it with dirt to make it even more vermin-proof.

Which DIY Greenhouse Idea Is Your Favorite?

I have to admit that I love simplicity – especially in the garden!

So, I like the 2-liter greenhouse idea the best.

It’s low cost, easy to deploy, and gives your baby seedlings enough protection from the icy clutch of overnight frost!

But what about you?

Please reply and let me know which greenhouse ideas are your favorite!

Or, maybe you have a greenhouse idea you’d like to share?

I’m excited to hear from you!

Please have a great day!

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