

Wow. We passed 300,000 subscribers, just before 2023 came to a close.

30000 subs - Survival GardeningWe couldn’t have asked for a better group of gardeners to share our experiments with.

A big thanks to Mart Hale for getting me to take YouTube seriously, years ago when we only had 300 subs. I appreciate it, brother!

Also, a thanks is in order to Justin Rhodes, who challenged me to post 30 videos in 30 days, back when we had a little over 5,000 subscribers. He then gave us a boost on his channel that kickstarted the channel’s ascent.

And finally, thanks to all of you for taking an interest in our backyard horticultural experiments!

God is good, and we are blessed to have you all with us.

Happy New Year!

The post 300k!!! appeared first on The Survival Gardener.


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