A Grocery Row Garden in the Snow (And Other Stories)


A reader sends in this picture:

Grocery Row Garden Snow - Survival Gardening

She told me she just managed to get her last few trees planted in the system before receiving a “load of snow.”

My own Grocery Row gardens are mostly asleep right now, though we’re nowhere near snow weather down here in Lower Alabama. Lots of henbit is coming up in the beds, along with a little bit of grass, some mushrooms and the occasional chickweed.

The little row garden is looking good as well, after a lot of rain:

victory garden - Survival Gardening

My daughter is walking alongside our triple rows of radishes. I’m hoping to have plenty of them to ferment into radish kraut. Now that the ducks are gone, my seedlings have a chance.

We’re late in the year for a decent fall garden – we just need the weather to avoid dropping too cold, too fast.

It’s been really pleasant this week, and looks to be staying nice in the days to come.

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Our main problem here with fall and winter gardening is that warm weather with cool nights is occasionally interrupted with a brutal overnight low in the twenties. When plants are used to t-shirt weather, they aren’t ready for wool jacket and long underwear weather.

Last year we had beautiful rows of cabbages in December that were completely wrecked by a hard freeze event after weeks of balmy temps.

Today I hope to plant more sugarcane. For now, though, I’m headed in for a plate of eggs and bacon with a fresh cup of black coffee.

Have a wonderful Monday.

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