A Response to My Article on Starting Your Own Business


Christopher M. Williams expands on my thoughts about starting a business:

But let’s talk about the business advice, since that’s what we’re here to consider today. And his straightforward guidance carries in it a couple of hidden gems that you might miss if you’re new to business. Or if you’re considering starting your own in the face of vaccine mandates.

First, whatever anyone has told you (or tried to sell you), the truth is that running a business is astonishingly difficult. In fact, as I’ve helped organizations grow over the decades, one phrase always brought an immense amount of insight and comfort to the business owners I’ve worked closely with.

“This is going to be one of the most challenging things you’ve ever done.”

It’s as if a light bulb would go off in their head when they heard me say it to them. Yes, even though everyone was telling them that there was nothing to starting a business, they often felt like the very opposite was true. By being honest with them about how hard it really was, I validated what they were seeing with their own eyes, not about trying to open a business, that’s fairly easy. But about doing whatever it takes to run a successful business. It’s an intense roller-coaster of emotions and constant decision-making, among many other factors.

So, that’s lesson one: even experienced business owners fail to realize or admit to themselves how difficult their endeavors truly are. But you need to if only for your own sanity but also to prepare yourself for how challenging it will be.

Our second lesson is how much risk people with corporate jobs have put themselves in. Those 80 million people out in the workforce have suddenly smacked head first into this problem with the vaccine mandates. But the issue has always been there.

Working for someone else means putting your livelihood in the hands of another person. If you have the ability, the drive and the discipline to be your own boss, run with it. It makes you less fragile – not more. Plus, you get to spend much more time with your family. Win win.

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