First Frost in Five Years!


At least for us. We haven’t seen a frost since 2015, which was the year before we left North Florida for the Caribbean.

It’s thirty degrees out right now as I type. I braved the cold a few minutes ago and took my Canon 80D out to the garden to capture a few images.

Mustard, decorated with frost:

First frost 1 mustard - Survival Gardening

Daikon:First frost 2 daikon - Survival Gardening

And a shot of the rye cover crop with a fallen oak leaf:First frost 3 rye - Survival Gardening

We left a plastic bin of water sitting by the back door so the children could see if it froze. It did! Look at the lovely ice crystals:

First frost 4 water - Survival Gardening

Though I miss the tropics sometimes, I do enjoy seeing the change of seasons again. Even if it’s a bit cold for my equatorial blood.

Tonight is supposed to get even colder. We’ll see how the garden comes through.

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