Growing Turmeric In Aquaponics – Survival Gardener


Growing Turmeric In Aquaponics

I never thought a root crop like turmeric would grow in an aquaponics system.  We’ve had bad luck with many other root  crops due to the constant water saturation.  But, turmeric has been a pleasant surprise.   It thrives in aquaponics systems and been productive enough to supply us fresh root for salads and lots to dry, powder and  store.

It’s simple to get started.  All you need is a fresh root that’s starting to make growth nodules.  If you leave it in the cupboard, much like a potato, it will start trying to grow.  Once it has growth nodules, take the root and split it up into pieces.(depending on how many nodules you have)  Bury it one inch down in your grow media and it’ll take off.  

After a 1-2 weeks, you’ll see small stalks coming up.  Wait a month or 2 and harvest the roots as you need them.  Just be sure to replant a small piece each time you take some and you’ll have an infinite supply.  


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