Harvesting the Remainder of the Turnips


So ends the turnip portion of the single-row gardens we planted back at the beginning of October:

52lbs for us, plus maybe another 10lbs+ of culls for our friends’ pigs. Growing time: 4 months. Note that this is long for turnips, but the weather has been cold so they did not grow fast at all.

This turnip variety is “White Lady,” and we will definitely grow it again. The flavor is very mild, with sweet and earthy notes. It was not particularly good for greens, however. The greens were small, even on plants with large roots. I used the greens I cut off to mulch part of one of my Grocery Row gardens, so there was no waste. If I had chickens I would feed them the greens but mulching or composting them is the next best thing.

These turnips made me re-think turnips. The only variety I grew before was Purple Top White Globe, and they did not give me a high opinion of the turnip race. White Lady has made me actually like turnips. Previously I only liked the greens – now I like the roots as well, at least on this selection. I may have to try some other varieties in the future to see how they taste.

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