Headed to SCRUBFEST! | The Survival Gardener


We are loaded up with books and T-shirts and are headed to Florida today, for SCRUBFEST tomorrow.

I am grateful that so many of you are going and are supporting my gardening work. I look forward to meeting you there.

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Daisy will be bringing seeds for sale, and Ezekiel has made some beautiful cutting boards as well as home-made cookies. Mark Bailey’s talk on food forest trees will fit in very nicely between my two presentations, plus – I took the back two seats out of my van so I can load up with plants from Scrubland Farmz. Sam has the best stuff!

I’m going to have most of my books there at a discount, too, including the new edition of Create Your Own Florida Food Forest. Since it’s a paid event, I thought it would be nice to take off what I could for those gracious enough to pony up the cash to attend.

We were also able to rent a handicapped port-a-potty along with the standard ones, and we’ve got extra chairs and a tent and PA. Probably still a good idea to bring a chair, just in case. We’re not sure how many children will be there.

My two in-depth presentations will cover the secrets of Florida gardening, successful food forests and Grocery Row gardening, and I’ll also take questions after both talks.

Sign up here if you can make it! 

Anyhow – I gotta get on the road. Thank you all. See you soon.

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