How to Grow an Abundance of Food in Your Backyard (Free Course!)


Imagine a yard full of edible plants. Feeling hungry? Just step outside and your yard full of groceries awaits you. Pick a fresh salad for lunch or some veggies for a stir-fry. Grab some lemons and some strawberries for dessert. This is possible. You can grow your own food in any size backyard, even a patio.

Greg Peterson from Urban Farm has been growing his own food for over 30 years. He has converted his 1/3 acre property in Phoenix into an edible landscape, which is open for tours and classes. He is passionate about teaching people how to provide food for themselves and their families, and how to create a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

For all of us not in Phoenix, we can now join Greg’s FREE Edible Backyard Summit online!


The Edible Backyard Summit doesn’t just include the awesome advice from Greg. He is joined by several other gardening gurus, who will share their knowledge on things like:

  • How to grow an abundance of food, without chemicals
  • Creating a self-sufficient lifestyle
  • How to start your first garden, or maintain an existing one
  • Bokashi composting
  • Regenerating your soil with compost tea
  • Boosting plant health
  • And how to do all of these things with minimal time, effort, and money.

Most of our food is flown in from 1000s of miles away. It can take days, weeks, even months to reach our plates. Food was never meant to be like this. The best food is locally-grown, eaten as fresh as possible (how about straight from your backyard!), and chemical-free.

We all deserve fresh, healthy food, and that’s what you’ll learn to grow in the Edible Backyard Summit.

Did I mention it’s free?

Yep, 100% free. Sign up now to reserve your spot. 

poultry health with Heritage Market


Here are your experts:

  • Greg Peterson – Urban Farm U Founder
  • Kari Spencer – Owner of The Micro Farm Project and creator of “Growing Food, the Basics”
  • Jessica Smith – How to boost plant health for a vibrant garden
  • Robert Pavlis – Selecting the right soil and fertilizer for gardens, raised beds, and containers.
  • Matt Arthur – Bokashi composting – anaerobic composting at any scale
  • Clark Furlong – Regenerate your soil with compost tea

Joining the summit gives you 4 days of presentations from various experts on the best strategies for growing your own food. The Summit is entirely online and will be aired free of charge from September 15-18.

Sign up now!


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