I Love This Look | The Survival Gardener


Here are some freeze frames from the video I’m going to post later today:

minolta 1969 lens 5 - Survival Gardening minolta 1969 lens 4 - Survival Gardening minolta 1969 lens 3 - Survival Gardening minolta 1969 lens 2 - Survival Gardening minolta 1969 lens 1 - Survival Gardening

This video was shot on the Canon R6 with a 1969 Minolta F1.4 MC-ROKKOR 58mm lens. It’s got an amazing look that is liquid and filmic with amazing bokeh. Modern lenses just don’t have this extra “something.” There’s a magical look to it.

The new video covers my bathtub worm bin and how it’s working for us. I should have it up shortly.

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