It Must Be Fermentation Week…


Nemo comments:

David, enjoying your fermentation adventures!

We too ferment EVERYTHING! … we usually have a dozen or so ferments going on any given day I write this and look in the kitchen I see jars of fermenting kefir, French and Bulgarian heirloom yogurts, dark red beet wine, a fruit wine prosecco, green beans, hot peppers, green bean leaves, white pine needles, sea rocket and green tomatoes. As our nights are starting to drop into the high 30’s, the tomato ripening is slowing like crazy, so a dinner of fried green tomatoes and hush puppies was on the menu tonight …topped with a red chili sauce and homemade lactic-fermented mayonnaise!

If you haven’t tried fermenting mayo yet, I most def recommend … you make your own mayo as you normally would, but also add some whey from your kefir/yogurt ferment and let it sit on the counter for the day before popping in the fridge .. it adds tremendous flavor and the mayo last so much longer in the fridge this way (not that ours last more than a week or so before we eat it all!)

Enjoy your new gardens brother!

I doff my hat to your superior fermentation skills.

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I haven’t tried fermented mayo – I’ll put that on the list! Rachel makes it with olive oil, lemon juice and egg yolks. Fermenting sounds easy – we’ll try it.

I malted and dried some wheat for beer today but we can’t find our grain grinder after the move. I put a $5 bounty on it, so hopefully one of the children will find it soon and we can start that going too.

Have a great weekend, everyone!

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