It’s hard to imagine… | The Survival Gardener


…that the garden was ever filled with overflowing green growth!

I shared a picture and a post of the 2023 spring Grocery Row Garden over at Patreon yesterday.

We’re transplanting lots of trees and shrubs into pots right now, taking some of what grew last year and getting it ready for our spring sales. Since we’re launching a booth at the Palafox Market in Pensacola on March 2nd, we’re scrambling to get our stock ready to go. There is so much to do! We had a hard time keeping our nursery stocked when we were selling at the flea market, and the Palafox Market has much higher traffic.

This is make-or-break time for our nursery. We gotta pay for our plant addictions somehow.

Yesterday I also bought about 100lbs of seed potatoes, which need to be planted soon. And the yam beds need to be created. And we have meat birds arriving in the mail in a week.

St. Isidore pray for us!

It’s February, and it’s go time.

Also, I have now gone without smoking for an entire month. And no alcohol in 24 days. It’s been an interesting experiment. My mind is definitely running faster and my energy levels are higher – which I need at this time of year.

Learn to grow a ton of food rect - Survival Gardening


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