Lasagna Gardening to Fix Bad Soil


Yesterday I posted a new video on Lasagna Gardening:

I’ve done a few videos on this method, as it’s a very effective way to claim and enrich a new piece of ground.

Someone asked me in the comments if I really thought sweet potatoes would do well in a deep mulched bed like this, and I pointed them to this post from 2014.

Yes, it works great! My front-yard food forest was basically a big Lasagna Garden back then, at least in part. We threw down a thick layer of mulch around the trees and it kickstarted the system.

growing sweet potatoes in the food forest

Lasagna gardening is fast and easy – and it builds your soil as you grow.

Another commenter mentioned that cover cropping was better than Lasagna Gardening. That is debatable, but it is true that cover cropping allows you to grow your own composting materials rather than having to harvest them from elsewhere. Yet a Lasagna Garden is super easy, and the materials in it are usually just the “waste” materials from another system.

Some years ago I made a Lasagna Garden on borrowed land for a demonstration, then ignored it for a year. This is what the soil looked like later.

Look at that! Just look at it! SOIL!

If you have really pernicious weeds, you can use a double or even triple layer of cardboard. That’s what we did to eliminate Bermuda grass in our Tennessee garden.

Lasagna Gardening is just another tool to add to your gardening toolkit. Try making one – you’ll like it!


Compost Everything: The Good Guide to Extreme Composting by David The Good:

CJ’s Hand-Forged Sickles (as mentioned in the video):

Lasagna Gardening by Patricia Lanza:

Gardening Without Work by Ruth Stout:

Back to Eden Film with Paul Gautschi:

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