From the Grocery Row Garden:
That is a bulbil from one of the rare edible forms of Dioscorea bulbifera.
For multiple years (about 8), I have tried to grow a quantity of edible D. bulbifera bulbils but keep getting derailed by having to move or by poor years or by lack of stock.
The edible varieties are not aggressive like the wild poisonous forms that have invaded Florida. Since the plant is rare and expensive (and because of our lack of stock), we haven’t ever eaten any of our seed bulbils, so I still haven’t tasted one.
We’ll plant all the ones we grew this year and see if we can build up our stock to the point where we can use some to make meals from.
I’m tempted to put a few up for sale on ebay, though, since I think we’d get some bids!
The post Look What I Got… appeared first on The Survival Gardener.
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