Making Hard Cheese from Raw Milk


Since both our Dexter cows are back in production, it makes sense to experiment with some cheesemaking.

My friend JD has a good setup for making cheese and has done more research than I, so we got together to make a wheel of cheese.

Part one of the process is on my YouTube channel:

And Part II is on his channel:

Worthwhile books on cheesemaking:

Recommended by JD:

American Farmstead Cheese:

Home Cheese Making:

An additional recommendation I like: 

The Art of Natural Cheesemaking:

Thanks for watching. We’ll go back and see how the cheese has fared in a few months.

Also, if you want to get exclusive content, including my hour-long presentation Redneck Backyard Chicken Butchering, sign up at our newly re-vamped Patreon page here.

Today we’re working on the nursery and putting off dealing with taxes.

Have a great Monday.

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