Meet Me at Scrubfest 2022!


Earlier this year Sam at Scrubland Farmz asked me if I would be interested in doing a live event at his farm/nursery in North Florida.

As I was renting and a lot of things were up in the air, I wasn’t sure if we could pull it off. I liked the idea of visiting my old neighborhood and teaching a masterclass on Florida gardening and food forests, but I simply wasn’t sure what the year was going to bring.

Now, however, we have settled into a new property and the gigantic second edition of Create Your Own Florida Food Forest is finally in print, so we are going for it!

I am very pleased to invite you to the 1st Annual SCRUBFEST just a bit north of Ft. McCoy, Florida.

It happens on October 15, so mark your calendar!

I’ll be giving two presentations on building epic Florida food forest gardens, and we’ll also have tons and tons of rare edible, medicinal and native plants and trees for sale, courtesy of Sam’s extensive nursery. There will be food trucks, and children 18 and under can attend for free. We’ll also be joined by Marion County Extension Agent (and plant expert) Mark Bailey, who will share a presentation on the best trees for Florida food forests. In the middle of everything, I’ll also have a book signing for Create Your Own Food Forest, and of course there will be lots of books and T-shirts available at our booth, including Daisy’s rare seeds from Good Gardens Nursery.

Finally – we’ll also get a chance to tour and shop the Scrubland Farmz nursery, which is my favorite in Florida.

Admission is $40 per adult if you order tickets ahead, or $50 per adult at the gate.

You can see more details and get your tickets here.

I hope to see you there!

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