More Terra Preta Success | The Survival Gardener


Scott White reports on a promising experiment with Terra Preta:

“Attached are two photos of my container sweet corn. The first photo is my corn planted and fertilized as I normally do with 13-13-13. (Please pardon the digit).

Terra preta experiment Scott 1 - Survival Gardening

The second photo shows the same variety corn planted in your version of Terra Preta soil. Clay pottery broken up, a portion of creek bed soil/clay and lastly biochar charged with Dyna-Gro for 3 weeks:

Terra preta experiment Scott 2 - Survival Gardening

INCREDIBLE difference, I think your analogy about the char acting like batteries is perfect! Anyway, I thought photos would do a better job of describing the difference. Thanks again, and congratulations on Good Books and your upcoming nursery business. You’ve really got things going since your return last fall. God’s Blessings to you and your family!”

Thank you, Scott – and good work.

This type of experimentation is quite valuable. If you missed my video on how I’m attempting to make terra preta, here it is:

And the update video from two months later:

In just two months we’ve seen a huge difference. Scott’s experiment is showing the same. Now we’ll see what happens as time goes by. If it “sticks” long term I will be quite pleased.

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