New Videos Incoming and Lots of Work to Do


I’ve decided to really push the YouTube channel as we head into spring. My hope is to release at least three videos per week. Since we are now in the middle of a lot of active homesteading projects, this should be easier than it was last month when things were getting cold and dying down.

At this time of year we have transplants that need seeding, ground that needs amending, a chicken coop that needs building, etc., etc.

Today I am teaching my eldest daughter how to mix up batches of Solomon’s Gold fertilizer so I have a lot ready for spring. We’ve also got two grocery row beds that haven’t been fed with it yet and I need six batches just for those.

Another thing that we need is a lot more biochar. The current batch is now well-soaked in DFSW and Dyna-Gro and is ready for spreading. Once that is done, I will burn the next batch. It takes some effort to make as we have to cut up a lot of sticks and burn them carefully in a sand pit, stacking as we go. Then we have to quench the stuff and soak it. It takes some time, but I am also going to train children how to make it so we can get a big reserve going for spring.

Another project we hope to start this week is the building of a cattle-panel greenhouse for seed starting and plant propagation.

We also have multiple new grocery row gardens that need building and planting, I want to get some grapes in the ground, I’ve got bulbs to plant, potato rows that need digging, and I’m really looking seriously into getting a cow. And later this month or in the beginning of the next, we need to get chicks…

It’s a busy time, and if we record videos as we go we’ll have lots of interesting content as spring progresses.

In the featured image for today’s post, you’ll see a preview of today’s video – a taste-test of the vegetables in our 12-Bed Amendment Experiment.

You can watch the premiere here at 7PM EST:

Have a wonderful Candlemas!

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