The Herbal Academy’s Introductory Course Review [Pros and Cons!]


We’re about to review The Herbal Academy’s Introductory Course in detail and share our feedback, plus the pros and cons of the course.

Because most likely, at some point, you have looked up herbal remedies for something, either for yourself or someone else. So, you know that the results that pop up are often conflicting, sometimes ludicrously so. 

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The lack of reliable herbal remedy data is both aggravating and worrisome when you need the remedy to work. That’s why I’m always seeking the best herbal courses – to help learn as much about herbs and herbal properties as possible.

How does the Herbal Academy’s Introductory Course stack up – and would I recommend the course to garden and homesteading friends?

Read this detailed review for honest analysis and feedback!

The Herbal Academy’s Introductory Course Review Summary

Below you can find a super quick summary of what we thought about the course.

What We Liked:

  • Excellent herbal remedies and detailed recipes
  • Tons of herbal data from reliable sources
  • Practical and useful recipes
  • Good mixture of video & PDF content
  • Stress relief tips – perfect for our stressful world
  • Excellent price and value overall

What We Didn’t Like:

  • Some of the definitions may seem unclear for novice homesteaders or gardeners – you may need to research
  • You must pass a quiz before proceeding to future lectures

Click Here to Preview The Herbal Academy’s Introductory Herbal Course!

Things to Consider Before Getting an Herbal Course

Before we review The Herbal Academy’s Introductory Course in much further detail – we want to let you know how we came to our conclusion.

The top two things about an herbal course are its usefulness and credibility. Let’s look at both factors so you can choose the best herbal course possible.

When measuring an herbal course’s usefulness, consider the common herbs and easy remedies within the course content. Here’s what I mean – I find that complicated herbal treatments are ones that I never get around to using – there are too many things that can go wrong! 

Uncommon herbs often get shoved to the back of my cupboards by the ones that I use more. I am sure that herbs like bergamot have some great benefits, but I prefer to use herbs that I am already familiar with the smell and taste of, like basil, so I know what to expect. 

When it comes to the herbal course’s credibility, you want a course from a professional with oodles of real-world experience. An inexpensive digital program from an amateur can look cost-effective.

However, these are not likely to have any experiences to draw from on all of the different herbs. Nor will they be able to help with troubleshooting as much. 

You should also pick a course that fits into your schedule. In other words – consider the timing and accessibility of the herbal course! All courses are different.

Do you have to log in every day to check a lecture? Is there a live webinar you need to schedule each week? Or, is the herbal course 100% on-demand? 

Also – consider if the herbal course gives access only during a specified time.

About The Herbal Academy’s Introductory Course

Overview of the subjects covered in The Herbal Academy's Introductory Course
Overview of the subjects covered in The Herbal Academy’s Introductory Course, including Herbal Basics, Kitchen Herbs, Body Care, and The Holistic Approach.

The Herbal Academy launched way back in 2011 to help you learn everything you could ever need to know about herbs.

All of their classes are available online, and it seems like an impressive amount of research went into the course content.

I also love how the Herbal Academy’s team offers to answer any questions you may encounter as you take the course. They can even help with troubleshooting when making the (fantastic and fun) herbal recipes within the lessons. 

However, you should know that you only have a set amount of time to complete the course. Once your time is up, all you have is what you learned and the PDFs that you have already downloaded. The one full year is quite generous, but they estimate that it will take about 95 hours to complete. 

You can get an extension, which is nice and not something that many courses let you do, but the extension does cost more money. This extension will give you six more months, depending on which course you bought. 


Click Here to Browse the Entire Course Listing from Herbal Academy!

The Herbal Academy’s Introductory Course Review and First Impressions

We’ve analyzed The Herbal Academy’s Introductory Course in detail, including our initial thoughts, course curriculum and content, quick-start tips – and we also reveal what you get if you enroll as a student.

Let’s take a look!

Bite-Sized, Digestible Information 

To make sure that you understand each unit, you have to take a quiz and get a passing score to move on to the next class unit. Passing the quiz prevents you from rushing through everything without absorbing anything. 

I also like that the Herbal Academy course has some handy-dandy PDFs that you can print out. I love to put printed papers like these to see them for easy reference without fussing on my computer.

However, I also don’t like to have too many papers lying around because they get misplaced. That’s why I also love how the course is mobile phone compatible – because sometimes, I want to ditch the laptop and relax!

Unfortunately, there are PDFs for each unit. You can’t get the PDFs for the following section until you can pass the test at the end of the current one. If you want more information, each lesson has some optional recommended reading to learn even more. 

The fact that there are both videos, as well as recipes, is something that I loved.

Just reading a recipe is not always enough. Being able to see some of the information can be so helpful. And the recipes themselves vary from simple everyday ones to complicated ones, should you feel like a challenge. 

Complete Information – Perfect for Herbalists

I have multiple different herbal books myself. The reason being is that no one book seems to have all of the information I need.

But this course from The Herbal Academy appears to have it all together. It has both the common name and scientific name of the plants, which is helpful for plants with many varieties like peppermint. 

The section on each herb also lists the ‘actions,’ which are the beneficial properties that the herb has. Just a little lower, it goes over some common uses of the herb.

I loved this type of herbal data, as it provides some pretty good ideas of some super simple ways to get the most of your herbs.

Below that, the section will tell you if there are any safety concerns you should keep in mind for the herb. And, finally, it lists the proper dosage for both infusions and tinctures – in addition to the recipes they give. 

The recipes call for dried herbs, so you don’t have to try to find them fresh. Even with that, it still gives you some tips for growing the herbs yourself. 

In short, this course gives you all of the information that you would need to know about each herb.

And, if you don’t feel that they offer enough, or if you want to dig deeper into a specific herb, the course also provides references that you can look up for even more information. 

Good Price and Value Rating

The Herbal Academy Introductory Course is not the cheapest herbal course out there. But, considering the printouts, videos, recipes, and everything else you get for the price, it is well worth what you pay.

Once you buy the course, you also get discounts in their herbal store and at a couple of partnered places. So, depending on the number of herbs you buy from them, it is entirely possible to save the amount you spent. 

Though you can order a textbook with the information in the lessons, the book is optional. Herbal Academy tries to make it so that you don’t have to buy supplies or spend money on anything you don’t already have – which I appreciate.

The Wording Could Be Improved

While the wording of the course is very descriptive, I found it to be a little lacking in some ways. For example – in the Herbal Academy course, they use big fancy words sometimes where simpler ones would be better.

(It’s sometimes frustrating when an instructor goes over your head with advanced fancy talk. I prefer introductory language – especially for homesteading and herbal courses!)

Saying that wild fennel is “…less uniform, and bearing an unkempt appearance reflecting its wildness,…” seems excessive to me. As a simple, straightforward type of person, a little of this could have been cut out entirely. 

In addition, the Herbal course doesn’t always explain what some words mean. For example, I had to look up the word cholagogue to see what it even meant. I found cholagogue means that it increases the flow of bile. 

To be fair, this was stated later in the same sentence, but it was not made clear that this was what the word cholagogue meant. However, other words like anticatarrhal were not explained at all that I could see. 

Finally, I think that they should have had definitions for the ‘actions’ of each plant. Knowing that a plant is an analgesic, antiemetic, antimicrobial, and a list of other things is nice. Not knowing what some of those even mean is less helpful. 

What would have been nice is some sort of notes over to the side for the definitions of little-known terms. Possibly one of the first modules goes through and tells you what these words mean, but these are words you will have to get familiar with if you are digging deep into herbalism. 

Other Things to Note

Though random, there are a few other things about the course that I liked. These are things that I would want to know before signing up.

First, I liked that it was all about herbs and natural health. While this might seem obvious, I have seen information on herbs that assign spiritual meanings to them.

Eastern medicine, in particular, seems to get carried away with stuff that I am not interested in seeking. Though this course will sometimes mention if an herb has a special meaning for some reason, I like that it didn’t get into all of that. 

I also liked that The Herbal Academy has its own Facebook page, which you can access when you buy their course. This private page is full of like-minded people who are learning the same things you are. Perfect! 

Not only does the course have insightful data on plants – but also some handy tips on stress relief. I thought the stress relief ideas were a nice touch since everyone seems overly stressed these days!

Preview the Course Here: The Herbal Academy’s Introductory Herbal Course

The Herbal Academy’s Introductory Course Review – Here’s What’s Included

The Herbal Academy Introductory Course learning materials
The Herbal Academy’s Introductory course is much more than just a few tutorials! It covers a broad spectrum of herbal topics, strategies, and approaches you can use on a daily basis. You’ll get lots of handy printables, videos, booklets, and recipes to make herbal medicine work for you.

When you enroll in The Herbal Academy’s Introductory Course – you get more than a few herbal tutorials. Below, you’ll find a list of everything you can expect to receive as a student.

6 Core Instructional Units

You get a broad spectrum of herbal topics, including herbs you’ll find in your kitchen, plus herbal preparations. You also discover advanced herbal strategies – such as herbal holistic approaches and body system imbalances. 

Hand-Holding Instruction

If you want to get hands-on when learning all about herbs – then you’ll love the introductory herbal course. You get 24 lessons and a handheld introduction perfect for welcoming you into the world of herbs.

Handouts, Charts, and Printables

If you’d rather not fuss with your laptop or desktop when learning about herbs – then no worries! You get downloads and printables, so you can easily manage your charts, handouts, and herbal goodies without needing to click any additional buttons.

The Epic Tea Booklet of Herbal Recipes!

If you want to peruse a breathtaking array of herbal tea recipes – then I invite you to read The Tea Booklet. The Tea Booklet contains boatloads of herbal tea recipes, and it’s waiting for you to download and print – now and in the future.

Classic and Little-Known Herbal Recipes

Here’s my favorite part of the course – the activities!

Each course unit contains tons of herbal preparations and recipes so you can make tinctures, teas, syrups, and body care products. You can also download the recipes so you can print or read them at your leisure.

Herbal Monographs

The herbal monographs are probably one of the best ways you can learn about herbs. You get access to 75+ herbal monographs for analysis.

Each monograph entry contains the herbal use, energetics, dosage, and safety information. The monographs are neatly organized within the course lectures and also in ABC order in a PDF. Perfect!

Herbal Video Tutorials

The Introductory Herbal Course is a video course at its heart and contains dozens of educational videos and demonstrations so you can obtain an interactive herbal learning experience.

You also get video transcripts for each video, so you can follow along in PDF if you wish. (I always love to read along with when I listen to the instructor!)

Herbalist Quizzes

You also get to test your herbal knowledge as you progress through the unit and lectures. If you’re anything like me and are worried about quizzes, please don’t stress! 

There are no mean teachers, penalties, or name-calling! And, you can easily take the quiz as many times as you like. No problem.

Certificate of Completion

Here’s the part where you get to brag and show off your mean herbalist skills. Upon completing the course – you get a certificate to proudly show off to your friends, family, or homesteading companions.

Access to Herbal Experts and Professionals

One of the best parts of the Introductory Herbal Course is that you’re never on your own. You get access to the course instructors and the Herbal Academy teaching crew so you can stay in the loop – and get the proper guidance you need.

Exclusive Herbalist Communities

Want to hang out in the exclusive Herbal Academy community?

All students get a cordial welcome to the My Herbal Studies Facebook group so they can connect with like-minded herbalists.

If you want to grow alongside peers, ask questions, submit feedback, and speak to your instructors – then the Facebook group is one of the fastest avenues of communication, for sure.

(But, if you don’t use Facebook, don’t worry. You can still communicate with your instructors outside of the group.)

Student-Only Discounts

As a budding herbalist – you may encounter the need to purchase various herbalist supplies. As a student, you get a catalog of discounts from a handful of brands that can help kickstart or skyrocket your herbalist needs fast.

Learn More: The Herbal Academy’s Introductory Herbal Course

The Herbal Academy’s Introductory Course Preview

Not sure what to expect inside of the course? Below, you’ll find a preview of the lectures inside The Herbal Academy’s Introductory Course.

Unit # 1 – Herbal Basics

  • The Herbal Approach, World Healing Traditions
  • Choosing the Best Herbs
  • Herb Storage
  • Herbal Tinctures and Teas
  • Topical Applications and Syrups
  • Trees, Seaweed, and Mushrooms
  • Anatomy
  • Materia Medica
  • Herbariums!

Unit # 2 – Kitchen Herbs

  • Your Kitchen and Your Wellness
  • Herbal Spices
  • Kitchen Materia Medica
  • Kitchen Herbal Preparations
  • Herbal Gardening Tips
  • Herbal Wildcrafting

Unit # 3 – Herbal Support and Common Complaints

  • Your Immune System
  • Building Your Healthy Terrain
  • Healthful Digestion
  • Environmental Toxins
  • Adaptogen Herbs and Tonic
  • Your Respiratory System
  • Colds, Coughs, and the Flu
  • Herbs for Kids
  • Reproductive Health and Herbal Support
  • Vitamin D

Unit # 4 – Herbal Support for Your Nervous System

  • Nervous System Overview
  • Stress and Your Nervous System
  • Adaptogenic Herbs and Nervines
  • Migraines and Tension Headaches
  • Insomnia and Sleep
  • B Vitamins

Unit # 5 – Body Care

  • Skin Introduction
  • Common Skincare Conditions
  • Healthy Skin and Herbal Support
  • External Health = Internal Health
  • Topical Oils, Balms, Salves, Body Butters
  • Sugar Scrubs
  • Herbal Baths
  • Facial Cleansing
  • Herbal Moisturizers
  • Toners
  • Hair Care
  • Aging Healthily

Unit # 6 – The Holistic Approach

  • Traditional Allopathic Methods
  • The Holistic Model and Holistic Body
  • Herbalism, the Holistic Approach
  • The Placebo Response and the Power of the Mind
  • Holistic Methods in Practice
  • Western Herbalism, a History
  • Holistic Approach Integration

Enroll Now: The Herbal Academy’s Introductory Herbal Course

Don’t Forget About The Herbal Academy’s Herbarium!

The Herbarium is an extensive resource of herbs and herb training with gorgeous images and illustrations, scientific research, facts, and lots of herbal learning – you’ll never run out of new knowledge to acquire!

Do you want to get more from your course enrollment? Then you can’t forget about The Herbal Academy’s secret herbal resource.

Here’s what I mean!

The Herbal Academy also hosts one of the best resources for herbalists of all levels – beginners to advanced. 

I’m talking about the Herbarium!

The Herbarium is an easy-to-use herbal resource for quickly looking up and researching anything in the world of herbs.

You get an ever-expanding database of herb training – including breathtaking images, botanical prints, scientific research, quick facts, plus content from reliable and learned herbalist educators.

Register Now: Learn More and Register for The Herbarium Using This Link!

How Does the Herbarium Work?

Imagine this scenario as a budding herbalist.

Instead of heading off to your local University to search scientific herbal data sheets, graphs, printables, and charts – you could access one of the best herbal databases without leaving your home.

I’m talking about the Herbarium. You get access to downloadable charts that all herbalists will love – in addition to intensive workshops, videos, and written lessons.

It’s an epic utopia for herbalists of all levels!

Learn More: Learn Herbs Fast! Use This Link to Register for The Herbarium!

I think the herbal experts at Herb Academy put a ton of work into the Herbarium – including dozens of herbal magazines and academy ebooks perfect for building your digital library in a snap.

The Herbal Academy’s Introductory Course Review – Final Thoughts

All in all, the course deserves an excellent grade – it far exceeds many of the other herbal digital courses I have seen out there. The layout is also lovely and easy to understand – bonus points for beginner-friendly access!

Once you have completed the Introductory Herbal Course, you may decide that you want to know even more. The Herbal Academy has many more courses that you can take, including an Intermediate and an Advanced Herbal Course. 

If you want to become a licensed herbalist with the American Herbalist Guild, the hours that you put into these courses will count as the hours you need for your certification.

PS: – Here’s how you can preview Herbal Academy’s Training. For free!

I forgot to mention that you can enroll in the free mini-course to get an idea of what to expect in the Herbal Academy’s premium courses.

The name of the course is Becoming an Herbalist, and it serves as an excellent guide for all herbalists.

If anything about the training style of Herbal Academy interests you, or if you are just curious to know more, then enroll in Becoming an Herbalist to get a better idea of what to expect.

Get Free Access: Becoming An Herbalist Mini Course!


Click This Link to Enroll in the Becoming an Herbalist Course! For Free!


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