This High-Density Planting was an Inspiration


Wonderful inspiration.
We’re rethinking our “bean field,” because the soil is still awful after 6 years of amendments, cover cropping, composting in place, solarizing, mulching against weeds… discouraging, to be sure . We’ve killed cherry, elder, mulberry, hazel nuts, with a lot of help from the beetles, deer, and rabbits.

At the end of this growing season (we are getting beans, along with Canada thistle and creeping Charlie…) we’re going to take down the trellises, roll up the irrigation, and weed weed weed to get the roots of the thistles and milkweed out, and cover crop it. Then till it in again in late spring.

Since is on slope, we were thinking about terraces, too, and some hardscape to push the Zone. We’re also thinking about just putting in grass for hay.

But anyway, thank you for the inspiration, sir.


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