Tomatoes: From Seed to Sauce (Complete Film)


About four years ago, Marjory Wildcraft asked me to produce a complete demonstration film about growing tomatoes. I told her I was no expert on the topic, so she connected me with three gardeners who were – Craig LeHoullier, Lynn Gillespie and Jere Gettle.

Over a year later, I started filming and eventually got the entire project together. Once it was done, it was too late to release the film that spring, so Marjory decided to put it out the next spring.

But that spring was the spring of Coronavirus, and life got a little complicated – and it didn’t get released. Marjory moved in that time period, and I did as well, and meanwhile Tomatoes: From Seed to Sauce sat unreleased.

Realizing that the project just wasn’t getting out, I talked with Marjory and she decided to just let me release it on my own. Yesterday, I did. And you can now see it for free on YouTube:

I was very fortunate to be able to connect with Lynn, Jere and Craig. As you’ll see in the film, they are great resources. I own Craig’s book Epic Tomatoes and am a fan of Jere’s Baker Creek Seed company. After meeting Lynn, I am also quite impressed with her work at The Living Farm.

One of the things we did in the planning phase of this film was to ensure we had gardeners in very different climates as our experts. North Carolina, Missouri, the high Rockies of Colorado, and me, down in the Caribbean on the island of Grenada. This way we have most tomato-growing regions covered and you can learn from the experience of experts in different climates.

After filming Tomatoes: From Seed to Sauce, I conducted some serious tomato-growing trials of my own down in the tropics, with the variety Carbon coming out as the clear winner.

As I share in the movie, we learn by doing – and failure teaches us!

Learn how to grow tomatoes like an expert, from the experts, in this information-packed film featuring top gardeners Craig LeHoullier, Jere Gettle, Marjory Wildcraft and Lynn Gillespie. Hosted by author and gardener David The Good.

In this film you will learn:

The best place for a tomato garden

How to feed tomatoes

How to save tomato seeds

How to beat tomato pests

How to stake tomatoes

About flavorful tomato varieties

The secret sauce for tomato growing

Tomato growing hacks

How to get the best garden soil for tomatoes

How to can tomato sauce

How to grow tomatoes up north

How to choose seedling vs transplant tomatoes

Craig LeHoullier

Also known as NCTomatoman, Craig LeHollier is the author of Epic Tomatoes and Growing Vegetables in Straw Bales.

He is also the man who named the Cherokee Purple tomato and is the co-leader of the Dwarf Tomato Breeding Project, and also maintains a massive collection of heirloom eggplant, pepper and tomato varieties.


YouTube channel:

Location: Raleigh, North Carolina

Lynn Gillespie

For 30 years, Lynn Gillespie has been the powerhouse behind the incredible greenhouses and gardens on The Living Farm. She is the author of three books: How to Grow All the Vegetables Your Family Can Eat, Cinder Block Gardens and High Performance Gardening. She is also the creator of the Leafy Greens Container Garden & Abundance Garden Courses.

Location: Paonia, Colorado


YouTube Channel:

Jere Gettle

Jere Gettle is the founder of Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds, which offers nearly 2,000 varieties of vegetables, flowers and herbs in their catalog—the largest selection of heirloom varieties in the USA, as well as being one of largest selections of seeds from the 19th century, including many Asian and European varieties. Along with his work in plant breeding and seed saving, Jere and his wife Emillee have also published two books featuring heirloom crops – The Heirloom Life Gardener and The Baker Creek Vegan Cookbook

Location: Mansfield, Missouri


YouTube Channel:

Marjory Wildcraft

Marjory Wildcraft is best known for her DVD series Grow Your Own Groceries, which has over a half million copies in use by homesteaders, foodies, preppers, universities, and missionary organizations around the world. Beloved for her humorous, non-judgmental, get ’er done style, Marjory raised two teenagers in Central Texas and currently splits her time between Paonia, CO, and Puerto Rico. When she’s not building an online network, being “Mom,” and tending her family’s food supply, Marjory loves playing, running, doing gymnastics, skateboarding, acquiring skills from the Paleolithic era (yes, she is part cavewoman!), and experimenting with anything and everything related to food production and sustainability.


YouTube Channel:

David The Good

David is a relentless experimenter and the author of multiple gardening books which you can find here:

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