10 Reasons Stockpiling Emergency Supplies Makes Sense


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In today’s world, preparing for emergencies is becoming increasingly important. Whether it’s a natural disaster, a pandemic, or any other unforeseen event, having a stockpile of emergency supplies can be a lifesaver. Today, I want to talk about 10 reasons stockpiling emergency supplies makes sense.

10 Reasons Stockpiling Emergency Supplies Makes Sense

1. Ensuring Basic Needs are Met

During an emergency, access to necessities like food, water, and shelter can become limited or even unavailable. By stockpiling emergency supplies, you can ensure that you and your loved ones have enough resources to meet these fundamental needs, providing security and peace of mind. The 5 Basic Things You Need to Survive

2. Relying on Yourself

In times of crisis, it’s essential to be self-reliant. Stockpiling emergency supplies allows you to rely on yourself and reduces dependency on external sources for assistance. Some people think that the government’s Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) will step in and solve all the issues, including providing a food supply. That won’t be the case!

This self-sufficiency gives you more control over your situation and increases your chances of survival. 17 Ways to Become More Self-Sufficient

When disaster strikes, time is of the essence. Having a well-stocked emergency supply can help you respond immediately, without wasting precious minutes trying to gather necessary items. It has been interesting to see what happens at grocery stores and Big Box Stores when things get tough. Those shelves become empty pretty fast.

Remember when the lockdowns took place a couple of years ago? Inventories of things like paper towels, toilet paper, diapers, baby formula, baby food, and other staples became scarce. Your emergency food supplies, including non-perishable foods, water, and other needed items make coping much easier. This quick response can make a significant difference in critical situations. Why People Wait Until the Last Minute to Prep for Emergencies

4. Coping with Natural Disasters

Natural disasters such as hurricanes, earthquakes, and floods can cause widespread destruction and disruption. When you take the time to stockpile emergency supplies, you can be better equipped to handle these events, ensuring your safety and well-being until help arrives. Should We Rebuild After Natural Disasters?

5. Dealing with Power Outages

Power outages can occur during various emergencies and can last for hours or even days. Having essential supplies like flashlights, batteries, and non-perishable food close at hand ensures that you can navigate through the darkness and maintain a sense of normalcy until power is restored. Power Outage: What to do Next

6. Preparing for Pandemics

Recent events have highlighted the importance of being prepared for pandemics. Stockpiling emergency supplies, including masks, gloves, sanitizers, and medicines, can help you protect yourself and your family during disease outbreaks, reducing your risk of infection. Pandemics: What You Should Do Now

The use of vaccines has become a hot topic of debate. You need to decide what is good for you and your family. Most of us rely on the advice of health professionals for things like allergies, diabetes, proper diet, and nutrition guidelines. We may be well advised to follow our trusted professionals based on our unique age and circumstances when it comes to dealing with bacteria and virus prevention.

7. Being a Source of Help for Others

In times of crisis, it’s not just about taking care of yourself but also helping others. Taking the time to have extra supplies on hand, you can extend a helping hand to neighbors, friends, or even strangers in need. Your preparedness can make a significant difference in their lives and foster a sense of community. How to Make a Community in Your Neighborhood

8. Peace of Mind

Knowing that you have a stockpile of emergency supplies gives you peace of mind, knowing that you are well-prepared for whatever challenges may come your way. This sense of security allows you to focus on other aspects of your life without constantly worrying about what could happen. Prepping Tasks to Take Care of Every Year

9. Cost Savings

Stockpiling emergency supplies in advance can save you money in the long run. During emergencies, prices for essential items often skyrocket due to increased demand and limited supply. Taking the time to purchase items ahead of time, you can avoid these price hikes and ensure that you have what you need at a reasonable cost. 13 Tips for Saving Money on Your Electric Bill

Another advantage, if you have sufficient storage space, is saving money through bulk buying. There are times of the year when certain items tend to go on sale. I purchase a lot of my canned goods in the fall when my local stores hold their “case lot” sales. Besides soups that we enjoy during the winter months, you can stock up on canned fruits, vegetables, and meats. Having more than one can opener is vital, and be sure to have a manual can opener on hand in case the power is out.

10. Adaptability to Uncertain Times

The world is constantly changing, and uncertainties are becoming more prevalent. Stockpiling emergency supplies is a form of adaptability, allowing you to navigate through uncertain times with more ease and confidence. It provides a foundation of stability amid chaos. Safety Tips for Preppers: Ensuring Preparedness in Any Situation

What are emergency supplies?

Emergency supplies are essential items that can help you sustain yourself and your family during a crisis or emergency. They typically include food, water, medical supplies, communication devices, tools, and personal hygiene products.

How many emergency supplies should I stockpile?

The amount of emergency supplies you should stockpile depends on several factors, such as the size of your household, the potential risks in your area, and the duration of the emergency you are preparing for. As a general guideline, aim for at least a 3-day supply of food and water per person, but it’s recommended to have a 2-week supply if possible. Don’t forget the unique needs of older people, young children, and even your pets.

My concern is that 2-weeks may not be enough. But start where you can and keep stocking. Better too much food than to run out of food for your family. People get mean when they are hungry and they haven’t stocked up enough food or water for their family. Plan for this, you may have people knocking on your doors.

Please remember that the government or churches in your area will not deliver food to your homes, it would be impossible to help everyone in your community. YOU must take care of YOUR family, okay I will get off my soapbox now. Thank you, my friends, for being prepared.

What types of food should I include in my emergency supplies?

Include non-perishable food items that require little to no cooking or refrigeration. Canned goods, dry goods like rice and pasta, energy bars, and dehydrated meals are good options. Don’t forget to consider dietary restrictions or special food required of individuals in your household.

It’s also important to use the food and rotate your inventory so you don’t have to deal with missed expiration dates or food spoilage. Foods have different shelf life issues, so think about stocking what will last a reasonable time. You also need to consider stocking what your family will feel comfortable eating. Consider taking those “fussy” eaters with you when shopping so you can keep each family member on board with what’s being stocked.

How should I store water for emergencies?

It’s recommended to store at least one gallon of water per person per day for drinking/hydration, cooking, limited laundry, and sanitation purposes. How do you do that? I highly recommend four gallons of water per day per person. Use clean containers specifically designed for storing water and ensure they are tightly sealed to prevent contamination. Store your water supply in a cool, dark place away from direct sunlight.

You also need to consider being able to filter and treat that water. Stored water needs either a chlorine treatment, boiling, or filtering. Checkout the posts in my archive to see how each of these approaches are used and the pros and cons of each.

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Final Word

Stockpiling emergency supplies is a practical and responsible decision in today’s unpredictable world. It ensures that you and your loved ones have access to vital resources, promotes self-reliance, and allows you to assist others in need. You can face emergencies with greater resilience and peace of mind when you are stockpiling emergency supplies. May God Bless this World, Linda

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