20 Reasons Why You Should Consider Getting Chickens


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Owning chickens may not be the first thing that comes to mind when considering a pet, but let me tell you, it’s a decision worth considering. Chickens are not only adorable and fascinating creatures, but they also offer many benefits that make them a smart addition to any household. Today, I want to talk about 20 reasons why you should consider getting chickens.

20 Reasons Why You Should Consider Getting Chickens

1. Fresh Eggs Every Day

One of the most obvious advantages of owning chickens is the abundance of fresh eggs. Imagine stepping out into your backyard every morning to collect a basket of delicious, organic eggs. No more trips to the grocery store for supermarket eggs or worrying about the quality of your eggs. 8 Types of Eggs You Can Eat

2. Natural Pest Control

Chickens are excellent at controlling insects and pests in your yard. They love to forage for bugs, snails, beetles, grasshoppers, spiders, and grubs, reducing the need for harmful pesticides. Say goodbye to unwanted pests and hello to a thriving garden. Keeping Pests Away from Food Storage

3. Fertilizer for Your Garden

In addition to pest control, chickens provide you with a constant supply of natural fertilizer. Chicken manure or chicken poop is rich in nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, essential nutrients for healthy plant growth. Your garden will flourish with the help of these guys! 12 Budget-Friendly Beautiful Garden Tips

The good thing is you can feel comfortable spreading the manure in the garden since you know it doesn’t have harmful chemicals. If you have a seasonal garden, mix the chicken manure with food scraps, leaves, lawn clippings, and other materials to make a compost pile. That way you’ll have the fertilizer for the next year’s plantings ready to go.

4. Entertainment Value

Chickens are highly entertaining creatures. Their quirky behaviors will provide entertainment for everyone. Watching them scratch, peck, set up a natural pecking order, and interact with each other is quite funny! Whether it’s to raise some of your own food, form a new hobby, or be entertained, chickens can be fun to be around.

5. Educational Opportunities

Owning chickens can be a fantastic educational experience for everyone, particularly for kids. It teaches them responsibility, compassion, and the cycle of life. Kids can learn about incubation, hatching, and the care required to raise healthy chickens. Your kids might take to the chickens more than you ever thought. Home Economic Skills You Should Teach Your Kids

6. Stress Relief

Spending time with chickens has been proven to reduce stress. The simple act of watching them roam around, as free-range chickens producing free-range eggs, listening to their soothing clucks, and knowing they are reducing pests can relieve stress. Take the time to feel the softness of their feathers because it can have a calming effect on you. Managing the Mental Stress of Prepping

7. Sustainability

When keeping chickens, you are taking a step towards sustainable living. You’re reducing your reliance on everyday food production and you are leaning more towards a self-sufficient lifestyle. It’s a small way that you can be self-sufficient and reap the positive reward for doing so. 17 Ways to Become More Self-Sufficient

8. Low Maintenance

Contrary to popular belief, chickens are relatively low-maintenance pets. They require minimal space, basic shelter, and regular access to food and water. With a little effort, you can easily provide for their needs, even if you have a busy schedule.

If you worry about natural predators attacking your chickens while also providing some shelter from adverse weather conditions, keeping them in a chicken coop is an option. Allowing them to be backyard chickens is optimal, particularly if you’ve seen them raised in factory farms with the related cramped conditions.

9. Natural Weed Control

Chickens are skilled weed eaters. They love to peck at grass and weeds, reducing the need for manual weeding. Let them loose in your garden, and watch as they keep much of the unwanted vegetation under control, leaving you with a beautifully maintained space.

10. Companionship

While chickens may not snuggle up on your lap like a dog or cat, they still offer companionship in their own unique way. Chickens are social animals that can form bonds with their owners. They enjoy human interaction and thrive in a good environment.

11. Reduce Food Waste

Chickens are fantastic at reducing food waste. They happily consume kitchen scraps, vegetable peelings, and leftovers, turning them into nutritious eggs and manure. It’s an excellent way to make use of food that would otherwise go to waste. How To Store Your Food Storage

12. Pest Deterrent

Did you know that chickens can also deter larger pests? Their presence alone can ward off rats, mice, and snakes from your property. With chickens around, many unwanted visitors will think twice before making themselves at home on your property.

13. Eggshell Art

When you have chickens, you also have access to beautifully colored eggshells. These shells can be used for various art projects, such as dyeing and painting. Sometimes it’s fun just to cook with eggs that have different colored shells.

14. Encourages Physical Activity

Taking care of chickens involves some physical activity, whether it’s feeding them, cleaning their coop, or letting them out to roam. This can be an excellent way to incorporate exercise into your daily routine and stay somewhat active. Fitness for Survival

15. Connect with Nature

Owning your own chickens and the act of raising them allows you to reconnect with nature. Watching them interact with the environment is kind of relaxing and a great way to escape the daily grind.

16. Source of Income

If you have the space and resources, owning chickens can be profitable. Selling surplus eggs, chicks, or even fully grown chickens can provide you with a source of income. Cash vs. Credit Card: Which is Better in an Emergency? Make sure your location’s zoning laws allow raising and breeding the chickens.

17. Community Building

Owning chickens can be a great way to connect with your community. You can join local poultry groups, participate in chicken-related events, and even share your knowledge and experiences with others. How to Make a Community in Your Neighborhood

18. Teach Responsibility to Children

Having chickens teaches children responsibility from a young age. They learn the importance of feeding, watering, and caring for another living being. This is one of my favorite reasons to consider getting chickens. 9 Necessary Survival Skills For Kids: It’s Never Too Young to Learn

19. Great for the Economy and Environment

Keeping chickens aligns with sustainable practices by promoting a healthy economy. Their waste can be composted and used as fertilizer for your garden, closing the loop and reducing waste. 15 Valuable Skills I Learned In Home Economics

20. Connection with Food Source

In a time period of mass-produced food, owning chickens allows you to reconnect with your food source. You have control over their diet, ensuring that they are well-nourished and healthy.

It’s also a great way to eat healthy. Flocks of chickens made up of hens and some roosters can provide the protein you need, along with vitamin E, and omega-3 fatty acids are nutrients we all need. Chicken meat tends to be low in cholesterol which is great for good heart health. Their meat tastes great in so many meal entrees, making the decision to raise your own chickens an easy decision.

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Final Word

Are you intrigued with the reasons you should consider getting chickens? Whether you live in a rural or urban setting, owning chickens can bring many benefits to your life. If you have the time, space, and physical ability to have chickens, then I say go for it. If you’ve had some experience raising chickens, I’d love to have you comment about why it was such a positive experience for you and your family. May God Bless this World, Linda

Copyright Images: Chickens Outside Depositphotos_52996331_S by Yulia-zl18, Chickens Outside 1 Depositphotos_52996023_S by Yulia-zl18


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