Can You Eat Squirrel? | Find Out What Squirrel Tastes Like!


If you’re a hunter, then you know that squirrel can be a real delicacy. But have you ever wondered if you could eat squirrel all year round? The answer is yes – with the right recipes, squirrel can be a delicious and healthy protein source all year long! In this blog post, we’ll share some of our favorite recipes for cooking up this tasty game meat. So whether you’re in the market for a new dinner idea or you’re just looking for more information on squirrel hunting and meat harvesting you’ve come to the right place.

The Potential Dangers Of Eating Squirrel 

When it comes to potential dangers, there are several things to consider before consuming squirrel. First and foremost are parasites. These little creatures can set up shop in the gastrointestinal tract and cause all sorts of problems, from mild discomfort to deadly disease. Ticks, mites, and fleas may also be present on the furry critter, and can transmit a variety of harmful pathogens.

Environmental toxins, such as pesticides and herbicides, can also accumulate in the body fat of squirrels, making them potentially dangerous to eat. Finally, wild squirrels are often carriers of diseases that can be passed on to humans, so it’s important to cook squirrel meat thoroughly before consuming it. While all of these potential dangers should be considered, it is important to remember that cooked squirrel meat is generally safe to eat.

How To Hunt Squirrel Legally And Ethically

Hunting is a popular pastime in the United States, with many people enjoying the challenge of tracking and taking down game. Squirrels are a common target for hunters, and they can be found in forests across the country. While there are no federal laws governing squirrel hunting, many states have regulations in place. Also, before going on a squirrel hunt, it is important to make sure that you are doing so ethically and legally.

In most states, squirrel hunting season runs from late summer into early winter. This is the time when squirrels are actively feeding and preparing for winter, making them easier to find and track. Make sure to check your state and local laws before heading out, as there may be restrictions on when and where you can hunt. When you are in the forest, take care to avoid disturbing other wildlife or damaging the environment.

And finally, remember to respect the animal you are hunting by using humane methods and only taking what you will use. By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your squirrel hunt is both ethical and legal.

Benefits Of Eating Squirrels

The high protein content of squirrel meat makes it a great choice for those who are looking for a meat that is comparable to beef, pork and chicken. For those looking to increase energy levels while also getting important vitamins such as B6 and B12, squirrel might be the meat for you!

When it comes to hunting squirrel in your backyard you need to understand the legalities associated with getting a permit or license to do so. Depending on your location you may be able to forgo this but we generally recommend that you contact your state DNR department to verify all necessary information.

Another thing that needs to be taken into consideration when it comes to hunting squirrels in your backyard is whether you find yourself in a rural area or in an urban development. If you find yourself in an urban area then it is almost a guaranteed fact that you will not be able to legally hunt squirrel in your backyard. But on the contrary, if you find yourself in a rural area then your ability to hunt squirrel in your backyard greatly increases.

You may also be able to hunt or trap squirrel in your backyard if the animals are a nuisance. In many areas you are allowed to deal with nuisance animals if you are the landowner by simply acquiring a permit for a nominal fee or in some instances completely free of charge.

How To Dress A Squirrel And Clean The Meat

1. Have a Good Skinning Knife, the Sharper the Better

2. Begin by Cutting off the Head, Tail and Feet

3. Cut Down the Belly to Skin the Squirrel

4. Carefully remove the Entrails

5. Clean the Meat in Cold Water to Remove Blood, Fur, and Residue

Dressing a squirrel is not as difficult as it may seem. The first thing you need to do is remove the head and tail. You can then skin the squirrel by making a cut down its belly and peeling the skin away from the meat. Once the squirrel is skinned, you can remove the entrails by making a slit in the abdominal cavity and pulling them out. Finally, you will need to wash the meat in cold water to remove any blood or dirt.

Cleaning the meat is an important step in preparing it for cooking. You will need to remove any fat or gristle from the meat before cooking it. Fat can be trimmed away with a sharp knife, and gristle can be removed by gently simmering the meat in water for a few minutes. Once the meat is clean, it is ready to be cooked according to your recipe.

Squirrel Dishes

Roasted Squirrel

To get the most out of your hunt, make sure you rub any oil or seasonings into the squirrel before cooking. This will both enhance flavor and texture! To cook it right (and save time), use an open flame with minimal flames rotating frequently so that all parts are cooked through but not burnt. Always ensure that the meat is cooked all the way through to ensure its free of parasites or diseases.


A delicious way to cook a squirrel is by cutting it into 1-inch chunks and dusting with seasoned flour before sautéing in neutral oil. The meat should be removed from the pot after browning all sides.

Squirrel Croquettes

To make your own squirrel patties, pre-cook the meat then shred it. You can add whatever spices or seasonings that sound good to you along with some breadcrumbs and milk for consistency before frying in a skillet over medium heat until golden brown on each side.

Final Thoughts About Eating Squirrel

Eating squirrel can be a great way to get important vitamins such as B6 and B12, while also increasing your energy levels. Squirrel meat can be cooked in many different ways, so you can find a dish that suits your taste. When it comes to hunting squirrel in your backyard, make sure you understand the legalities involved. Depending on your location, you may be able to hunt or trap nuisance animals if they are causing problems. Finally, before cooking the squirrel meat make sure you remove any fat or gristle and clean it properly.


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