Can You Shoot Squirrels In Your Backyard?


There is nothing quite like spending a warm day in your backyard, enjoying the sunshine and fresh air. But if you have a nuisance squirrel problem, that peace and relaxation can be quickly ruined. These pesky critters can cause all sorts of problems, from chewing through wires to raiding bird feeders. If you’re dealing with a squirrel problem, don’t despair – there are things you can do to get rid of them. In this blog post, we’ll discuss some tips for getting rid of nuisance squirrels in your backyard.

Signs That You Have A Squirrel Problem

One of the telltale signs that you have a squirrel problem in your backyard is the presence of chew marks on wood, eaves, and electrical wiring. Damage to siding, insulation, and vent pipes are also common. In addition, you may see piles of nuts or acorns, as well as holes in the yard where they have been digging. If you suspect you have a squirrel infestation, it’s important to take action quickly. Left unchecked, these pests can cause serious damage to your home and property. In addition to the physical damage they can cause, squirrels can also spread disease through their urine and feces.

Squirrels are one of the most common pests in North America. They’re also one of the most destructive, damaging gardens, chewing through plant roots and stems, and stripping bark from trees. If you suspect you have a squirrel problem in your backyard, here are some additional signs to look for:

– Damage to your garden: Squirrels will often dig up gardens in search of food. This can damage plant roots and stems, making it difficult for them to grow.

– Chewed bark on trees: Squirrels love to chew on tree bark, which can damage the tree and make it more susceptible to disease.

– Nests in attics or sheds: If you find a nest made of leaves and twigs in your attic or shed, it’s likely a squirrel nest. Squirrels will also often store food in these nests, which can attract other pests.

If you see any of these signs, it’s important to take action to get rid of the squirrels before they cause more damage. There are a variety of traps and baits that can be used to catch squirrels, as well as repellents that can help keep them away from your property.

Protected Species  & DNR Enforcement

In the United States, there are three types of squirrels that are protected under the law: the American red squirrel, the Arctic squirrel, and the San Joaquin kit fox squirrel. The Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is responsible for enforcing these protections and ensuring that these species are not hunted or harmed in any way. In addition to these three protected species, there are also two subspecies of squirrels that are considered “threatened” – the Virginia northern flying squirrel and the Utah prairie dog. Although these animals are not currently protected under the law, the DNR is working to raise awareness about their plight and help them recover from population decline. By working to protect all species of squirrels, the DNR is helping to ensure a healthy population of these important animals.

In most states, squirrels are considered a game species and are protected by both state and federal law. The DNR is responsible for enforcing these laws and ensuring that populations remain healthy. In order to do this, the DNR sets harvest limits for each county based on the estimated population size. Hunting and trapping are only allowed during specific seasons, and all harvested squirrels must be reported to the DNR. Violators of these laws can face significant fines and even jail time.

The Nuisance of Squirrels

Squirrels can be a nuisance, especially when they are raiding your bird feeders or digging up your garden. If you want to get rid of them, there are a few things you can do. First, make sure that you are not providing any food sources that attract them. This means keeping your bird feeders clean and free of debris, and picking up any fallen fruit from your trees or bushes. Second, try to eliminate hiding places where they can nest. This might mean trimming back trees and shrubs, or removing piles of wood or other debris from your yard. Finally, if all else fails, you can trap and remove the squirrels yourself. Just be sure to check your local wildlife regulations first, as there may be restrictions on when and how you can do this.

Ways To Trap & Remove Squirrels

First, try to live trap the squirrels and then release them in a wooded area at least five miles from your home. This is the most humane option and is also legal in most states. If you can’t live trap the squirrels, another option is to use a snare. This type of trap will kill the animal, so be sure to check with your state’s wildlife agency to see if this is legal in your area. You will also need to obtain a hunting license if you plan to kill the squirrels yourself. Again, check with your state’s wildlife agency for specific laws and regulations. By following these steps, you can legally and humanely get rid of nuisance squirrels from your backyard.

Use Of A Firearm

It is never safe to discharge a firearm in an urban environment, even if you are trying to kill a small animal like a squirrel. In addition to the danger posed to nearby humans, there is also the risk of ricochet. A bullet that hits a hard surface can easily change direction and travel for considerable distances. Even if you are confident of your marksmanship, there is no guarantee that the bullet will stay within your property. If it hits a neighbor’s house or car, you could be facing serious legal consequences. In short, there is simply no safe way to use a gun to kill squirrels in an urban environment. The best course of action is to live traps. Live traps can be an effective and safe way to remove squirrels from your property without posing a risk to your community.

Tips For Shooting Squirrels If Permitted

If you’re lucky enough to live in an area where squirrel hunting is allowed, there are a few things you need to know in order to have a successful and safe hunt. First, it’s important to find where the squirrels are located. Look for areas with dense vegetation and plenty of trees – these are typically places where squirrels like to nest. Once you’ve found a likely spot, it’s time to start looking for signs of squirrel activity. Pay attention to areas where there are lots of nutshells or piles of acorns, as these are likely places where squirrels have been feeding.

You should also be on the lookout for holes in trees or nests, as these can be used as entry points into squirrel dens. Once you’ve located a promising spot, it’s time to set up your equipment. If you’re using a rifle, make sure to use a scope so that you can take an accurate shot or have plenty of practice with your iron sights. If you’re using a shotgun, it’s important to use birdshot rather than buckshot, as the smaller pellets are less likely to damage the meat so you can enjoy eating the squirrel meat. Finally, before taking your shot, make sure that there are no houses or people nearby who could be endangered by your bullet. If you can follow these tips, you’ll be well on your way to a successful squirrel hunting trip is both safe and successful.

Alternatives To Shooting Squirrels

Shooting squirrels is often seen as an easy solution, but it can actually do more harm than good. There are a number of alternative solutions that can be used instead, such as live traps, poison or exclusion devices. These methods can be just as effective in resolving problem squirrel activity.


If you have a squirrel problem in your backyard, you may be considering using poison as a way to get rid of them. However, there are a few things you should keep in mind before taking this step. First of all, poison is only effective if the squirrels eat enough of it to kill them. This can be difficult to control, and you may end up killing other animals if they eat the poison as well.

Second, if you do use poison, be sure to keep it away from areas where children or pets could accidentally come into contact with it. Finally, remember that once you have killed the squirrels, you will need to dispose of their bodies safely. Using poison to get rid of squirrels from your backyard can be effective, but it is important to be sure that you are using it safely and responsibly.

Traps and Snares

If you are having trouble with squirrels in your backyard, you may be wondering how to get rid of them. One option is to set up traps and snares. There are a variety of traps and snares available on the market, so it is important to choose one that is appropriate for the size and type of squirrel you are trying to catch. Once you have set up the trap, it is important to check it regularly and remove any caught animals as soon as possible. When done correctly, trapping and snaring can be an effective way to control squirrel populations.

Live Traps

If you have ever tried to get rid of squirrels from your backyard, you know how difficult and frustrating it can be. These pesky little creatures are quick, agile, and seem to be able to get into just about anything. But there is one method of squirrel removal that is both effective and humane: live trapping.

Live traps work by baiting the trap with food and then waiting for the squirrel to enter. Once the squirrel is inside, the door closes behind them, preventing them from escaping. The Squirrel can then be released into the wild far away from your home.

Live trapping is an effective way to get rid of squirrels because it does not require the use of harmful chemicals or poisons. Additionally, it is a humane method of removal as it does not kill the squirrels. If you are looking for an effective and humane way to remove squirrels from your property, live trapping is the way to go.

Bow & Arrow

Bow and arrow hunting of squirrels is an accepted method of population control in many areas. In some states, it is even considered a traditional form of hunting. If done properly, bow and arrow hunting can be an effective way to get rid of squirrels from your backyard. For best results, it is important to use the proper equipment and techniques. First, make sure that your bow and arrows are in good condition and that you know how to use them properly. Second, set up a blind or hiding place where you can get a good shot at the squirrels. Finally, be patient and wait for the right opportunity to take your shot. With a little practice, you should be able to effectively control the squirrel population in your backyard with bow and arrow hunting as long as it is within your local laws and regulations to do so.

Final Thoughts

So, there you have it! All kinds of ways to get rid of squirrels from your backyard. All of these methods have their own advantages and disadvantages, so it is important to choose the one that is best for your situation. If you are having trouble deciding which method to use, consult with an expert or try out a few different techniques until you find the one that works best for you. Remember, the key to getting rid of squirrels is patience and perseverance. So keep at it, and eventually you will be successful in ridding your backyard of these pesky critters.


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