First Words: ASG Prepper Manual Spring-Summer 2021


Thanks For Helping Us Celebrate Our 10TH PREPPER Manual!

Welcome to the Spring/Summer edition of American Survival Guide’s Prepper Emergency Survival Manual! This is our 10th—and most informative—version of this manual, and we’re excited to share it with you. It covers general preparedness, self-reliance and survival topics that are divided into 10 special interest categories. Each includes important information, tips, tricks and gear suggestions for situations that can arise anytime but are most likely to occur during the year’s warmer months.

While the core aspects of preparedness are not seasonal, this issue emphasizes many that are, especially in the areas of shelter, health, food, transportation and, to some degree, navigation. With more than 350 tips and suggestions included throughout, as well as 92 specific product recommendations, we trust you’ll find lots of relevant material from our experts that’ll help you effectively and efficiently prepare for emergencies and other challenging scenarios.

As with its predecessor, this Prepper Manual is organized according to American Survival Guide’sSix Pillars of Survival”—food, water, shelter, security, communications and health—plus the important topics of fire, energy, navigation and transportation. These groupings help us focus on specific aspects of prepping and survival that are critical to successfully preparing for, and responding to, any type of emergency that might threaten us. We think this approach makes the information simpler to understand and access when you refer back to these pages in the future.

To further organize this information, we formatted each category in a way you’ll find familiar if you’ve read or studied U.S. military field or training manuals. This layout makes it easier for you to quickly refer to the information you’re looking for when you don’t have the time to kick back and casually browse through its pages.

Each section is written by a regular contributor to American Survival Guide. These folks know our readers and the topics you’re most concerned about, and they respect and share your interest in making you and your family safer when push comes to shove. Their keen insight and advice come from years of experience devising, executing and improving their own preps, military or public safety service, and a wide variety of training scenarios. They’re happy to pass their learning on to our readers because, as we all know, survival is a team sport. The information and suggestions they share can validate plans and preparations you’ve made and help you shape future efforts—regardless of whether you’re new to prepping or have decades of practice under your belt.

You’ll also find our expanded “Prepper’s Checklist”. It’s designed to be copied or cut out of the magazine so you can use it several ways. Refer to it as a planning guide, a punch list of things to do, an inventory sheet or a shopping list. All plans are unique, so we’ve included space for you to customize it to meet your needs. With 14 sections and more than 140 points included, this is a great first step—or finishing touch—for tracking your state of preparedness.

As you work on your preps, don’t forget to check out our website,, where we’ve archived more than 1,000 print and digital articles that’ll enhance your efforts. Once there, you can also sign up for our weekly newsletter at the bottom of the home page. In addition, stay in touch with us and gain insights from the broader community on Facebook at Please “like” and “share” when you visit.

We hope this spring/summer 2021 edition of American Survival Guide’s Prepper Manual will help improve your readiness for the threats and challenges ahead.


Editor’s note: A version of this article first appeared in the May, 2021 print issue of American Survival Guide.



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