How To Deal With Fragile Bones


Osteoporosis is a condition affecting bone tissue characterized by the depletion of bone mass, deterioration in bone quality, and heightened susceptibility to fractures. A prevalent ailment in contemporary society, it afflicts a considerable global population.

The origins of primary osteoporosis, often termed as idiopathic, remain incompletely elucidated. Nonetheless, there is a discernible association with factors such as genetic predisposition, advancing age, and the onset of menopause. Intriguingly, bone density reduction is now observed in as much as fifteen percent of individuals aged 25 and above.

On the other hand, secondary osteoporosis is marked by an escalated loss of calcium resulting from detrimental lifestyle choices, particularly in diet, pharmaceutical usage (especially corticosteroids), and specific medical conditions.

Hormonal Imbalances

The primary contributors to impaired calcium and mineral metabolism are alterations in hormonal functions. The heightened susceptibility to osteoporosis often prompts gynecologists to recommend hormone replacement therapy or artificial replenishment of estrogen to women.

However, synthetic hormones are perceived by the human body as toxins, resulting not only in various health complications but also impacting the utilization of natural hormones—whether endogenously produced or obtained through diet.

In the contemporary era, constant exposure to hormonal influences is ubiquitous. This exposure stems from the use of hormones in detergents and cosmetics, a consequence of administering hormonal supplements to livestock in factory farms and in animal feed.

The extensive utilization of hormonal contraceptives and pharmaceutical hormone treatments also exerts a profound influence on the overall ecosystem, as unabsorbed active substances find their way into natural circulation through wastewater.

This systemic impact triggers inflammatory responses, forming the backdrop for various degenerative conditions, encompassing heart diseases, rheumatic disorders, diabetes, and cancer.

Osteoporosis Root Causes

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The onset of osteoporosis and impaired nutrient absorption is predominantly attributed to the “western” lifestyle characterized by sedentary habits, the use of barbiturates or antidepressants, and significant surgical interventions. Additionally, disorders affecting the kidneys, liver, and digestion, often stemming from unhealthy practices and stress, contribute to these conditions.

Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption are recognized as the most severe culprits in precipitating osteoporosis. Nevertheless, this ailment, which can be traced back to environmental factors, is preventable and amenable to relatively straightforward treatment.

To ward off osteoporosis, a shift towards natural nutrient and mineral sources is recommended, replacing synthetic alternatives. Opting for natural treatments over pharmaceutical interventions is encouraged, along with a concerted effort to avoid known harmful substances. Notably, the excessive consumption of refined sugars, particularly white sugar, has been identified as having a detrimental impact on bone quality, inducing body acidification.

Striving for a more balanced body condition entails depleting calcium and magnesium stores, as the body seeks to counteract hyperacidity. It’s crucial to recognize that hyperacidity also interferes with the formation of vitamin D, a key factor in calcium absorption.

Optimal Nutrition Approach

Ensuring the proper function of hormonal glands necessitates an ample supply of saturated fat. The compromise in bone quality often associated with low-fat and “light” diets can be mitigated by incorporating high-quality saturated fats into one’s nutrition.

Notable examples include coconut oil, or alternatively, homemade lard from pork, goose, duck, as well as butter, dairy products, and animal-derived foods. When considering animal foods and fats, attention should be paid to the quality of animal breeding practices.

Another aspect influencing bone health is the potential decalcifying effect of legumes such as cereals, nuts, and seeds when consumed without proper preparation like soaking or roasting. It is generally recommended to soak legumes overnight, allowing for the decanting of water, followed by brewing, ideally with the inclusion of kombu seaweed. Consumption without soaking may lead to the absorption of phytotoxins, impacting metabolic and hormonal processes and irritating the digestive mucosa.

Vitamin D deficiency is identified as a significant contributor to poor bone quality. In its absence, the body resorts to extracting nutrients from bones to meet the demands of the heart and nerves. Vitamin D is primarily sourced from sunlight, soluble in fats, and essential for the absorption of calcium and phosphorus—the foundational components of bones.

While the sun’s availability during the day makes vitamin D deficiency unlikely, certain kidney diseases may result in insufficient vitamin D production. Nonetheless, under normal circumstances, such deficiency should not occur, given the nearly constant sunlight exposure during waking hours.

The Importance Of The Main Meal Of The Day

An age-old adage echoed by our grandmothers emphasized the importance of soup and meat, specifically referring to classic thick soups and broths. Traditionally, crafting broths involved a meticulous process of slow boiling, lasting anywhere from six to twelve hours, with three hours being the considered minimum.

Broths are highly recommended, incorporating ingredients such as onions for their alkaline quality and celery, known for aiding in the extraction of calcium from boiled bones. Fish broths, including the Japanese fish soup koikoku, are particularly commendable.

Historically, the soup served as the main daily meal for our ancestors, offering substantial nutrition and generating ample heat for the digestive system. This facilitated the effective digestion, absorption, and utilization of the nutrients received. For a contemporary touch, the completed broth can be briefly cooked with seasonal vegetables. Vegetarians, adhering to a plant-based diet, can prepare a vegetable broth rich in calcium, enhanced with the addition of seaweed.

The protective effects of vegetable proteins should not be overlooked. A higher ratio of vegetable protein to animal protein correlates with a reduced risk of bone fractures, underscoring the importance of incorporating plant-based sources into one’s diet.

The Importance Of Movement

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The significance of physical activity should not be underestimated in the pursuit of bone health. For strengthening bones, balanced exercises such as qigong, specifically designed to fortify bones, are highly recommended. In conjunction with essential vitamins like D and A, minerals such as phosphorus, magnesium, and folic acid play a crucial role in promoting optimal bone structure and facilitating calcium absorption.

It is imperative to source these nutrients naturally, in appropriate combinations and ratios, as the body struggles to effectively utilize substances in isolated forms—rendering various pills and nutritional supplements less effective.

Pro vitamin A, found abundantly in carrots, sea buckthorn berries, parsley leaves, berries, peppers, spinach, and cress, is among the best natural sources. Similarly, an array of minerals is present in herbs, sprouts of grains and legumes, and select herbs, with nettle and horsetail standing out as exceptional champions in this regard.

Nettle, versatile in its applications, can be treated as a vegetable and incorporated into chopped meat, stuffing, and soups. It can be dried for use as a seasoning or prepared as a tea. To enhance taste and absorption, it is recommended to add a few drops of olive or other cold-pressed oil and lemon when preparing a fresh drink from spring nettles mixed with water.

Natural Healing Methods

Nature provides well-absorbable nutrients through specialized extracts, with nettle and horsetail taking center stage, alongside red clover rich in phytoestrogens and oat straw abundant in calcium, magnesium, and vitamin A.

To prepare a nourishing infusion, pour a liter of water over 1 oz / 30 g of herbs (maintaining a temperature of about 200ºF / 95ºC). Seal the mixture in an airtight container, preferably large jars, and let it steep for 3-8 hours.

Consuming a cup in the morning and evening is recommended, with the option to enhance the flavor by adding a few drops of lemon or agave syrup. The remaining half liter can be refrigerated for use the following day, as leaving the beverage at room temperature may lead to rapid spoilage.

Calamus root also proves beneficial for improving bone quality. It can be utilized in the form of a tincture or extract, or externally as an herbal bath. It’s important to note that herbal baths are not advisable in cases of malfunctioning calcium metabolism.

For a bath, a concoction of stinging nettle root, coltsfoot leaves, acacia flowers, elderberry, fritillaries leaves (two parts), hyssop leaves, and St. John’s wort (one part) is prepared as an extract or decoction, with the liquid suitable for approximately 50 hip baths.

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Ancient Chinese Wisdom

In accordance with traditional Chinese medicine, the kidneys play a pivotal role in maintaining bone quality. Seeds, such as black sesame, are esteemed as excellent means to fortify the kidneys and, by extension, enhance bone health.

Roasting black sesame seeds with salt can yield a traditional Japanese gomasio seasoning, ideal for incorporating into bread and soups, or for consumption according to the ancient Ayurvedic recipe—moistened and chewed.

However, it’s crucial to acknowledge that kidneys serve as the primary reservoir of our energy. Constant overloading and stress can deplete these vital organs, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a balanced lifestyle.

A wealth of vegetable sources rich in calcium includes parsley, cress, chives, celery, kohlrabi (especially the leaves), dark green leafy vegetables (including cabbage), cauliflower, broccoli, pumpkin, and root vegetables like artichokes, beans, oats, and beetroot.

Additionally, various seeds and nuts such as poppy, sesame, hazelnuts, walnuts, and almonds, contribute significantly to calcium intake. Numerous herbs, including angelica, arnica, lady’s mantle, comfrey, valerian, calendula, thyme, milk thistle, wormwood, rosehips, willow herb, and centaury, are also rich sources. Fruits such as black currant, pear, raspberries, and figs, as well as spices like basil, nigella, mustard, rosemary, and lovage, are noteworthy for their calcium content.

Pumpkin seed oil emerges as an excellent and necessary source of not only calcium but also zinc, contributing to bone quality and immune function. Zinc is also present in mushrooms, beef liver, and rabbit meat. Regarding animal foods, milk, and its fat content contain high levels of calcium, emphasizing the importance of ensuring quality and source reliability, as industrial products may vary.

Calcium-rich seafood, fish oil, and eggs offer additional dietary sources. Combatting osteoporosis can also involve incorporating garlic and onions into the diet, as they contain sulfur among various other minerals beneficial for bone health.

The Mineral Manifesto

Minerals play a pivotal role in bone health, with magnesium standing out as an indispensable partner to calcium utilization. A rich source of magnesium is natural cocoa, and soy, flax, sunflower seeds, pistachios, and Brazil nuts also boast high magnesium content. It’s imperative to prioritize the quality of these resources.

Numerous herbs contribute to magnesium intake, including butter bur, mullein, plantain, ginkgo, Capsella, lavender, Ruta, mallow, St John’s wort, Rhodiola, and smartweed. Magnesium-rich vegetables include potatoes, radicchio, carrots, cucumber, olives, radishes, celery, spinach, and gourds. Blueberries, as well as spices like borage, mustard, cloves, and marjoram, are also notable sources of this vital mineral.

Silicon, crucial for bone health, is present in anise, borage, fennel, deadnettle, chestnut, coriander, lovage, linden, raspberry, mint, nutmeg, walnuts, parsley, lungwort, edelweiss, yarrow, fenugreek, sage, sorrel, plum, and cherry.

Phosphorus, another essential mineral, abounds in ivy, serpent root, galangal, hawthorn, mustard, cornflower, hemp, comfrey, almonds, pepper, Elytrigia, Ruta, cinnamon, thyme, and blackthorn. Lithium, affecting the quality of bone marrow, can be found in flowering plants and some mineral water.

Beyond domestic plants, exotic herbs and fruits from the superfood category offer rich and easily absorbable sources of calcium. Camucamu, a fruit from the Brazilian rainforest, serves as an excellent antioxidant while enhancing immunity. Wolfberry, or Goji, serves a dual purpose as an antioxidant and calcium source, supporting detoxification.

Chia seeds from the Andes not only possess a high calcium content but also aid hydration and improve physical stamina. Maca roots and Lucuma from the Andes, acting as natural sweeteners with a low glycemic index, further contribute to nutrient and calcium intake. The ease of transport in the era of globalization allows for the incorporation of these exotic sources into our dietary repertoire.

Exotic Allies

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In the arid expanses of the United States and South America, the leguminous mesquite plant thrives, producing pods that yield a sweet and nutty-tasting powder when ground.

Shilajit, a mineral resin collected from the mountainous regions of Russia and China, emerges as another potent substance rich in calcium. Additionally, shilajit contains fulvic acid, which enhances the transport of nutrients into cells. This unique compound serves as a natural supplement, facilitating the absorption and utilization of essential nutrients.

The plant kingdom unfolds an unparalleled source of calcium through various seaweeds. Sea vegetables, such as kombu, boast ten to twenty percent more minerals than their land-based counterparts. Notably, seaweeds do not absorb harmful substances and cease growth in polluted waters. Kombu seaweed stands out for its potassium and vitamin E content. Nori, another seaweed variety, is rich in phosphorus and vitamin A, while sea oak contains substantial amounts of iodine and fiber.

Specific seaweed types offer distinct mineral benefits. Wakame is particularly beneficial for calcium, hiziky excels in potassium content, and dulse seaweed takes the lead in iron concentration, accompanied by significant levels of magnesium, phosphorus, and iodine. These exotic sources contribute to a diverse and comprehensive approach to nutrient intake.

Gradual Transformations

Embarking on a journey to prioritize your health and bone quality doesn’t require an immediate upheaval of your entire lifestyle, delving into foreign and exotic food sources and preparation methods every free moment. Start with simplicity and progress gradually.

In the initial month, eliminate refined sugar from your diet and introduce seaweed into your soups. The following month, consider discontinuing contraception and reintroduce nourishing broths to your meals. As you enter the third month, phase out pills for headaches or joint pain and experiment with incorporating exotic superfoods.

With time, you’ll acclimate to these changes, viewing your diet through a different lens. You’ll naturally shift your focus to quality and ponder the origins of your food. You might realize that, despite the perception of some foods being expensive, they can ultimately be more cost-effective since you won’t need as much to feel satiated. Explore new and intriguing varieties of vegetables, and master different cooking methods.

This journey fosters a stronger connection with your own body, enhances your health and natural cycles, revives ancestral traditions, sparks new interests, and potentially leads to new friendships. Consider visiting family farmers’ markets or farms to blend knowledge with pleasurable experiences. Delve into literature about suitable sources or practices, attend lectures, or indulge in weekly cooking lessons.

As you gradually embrace these changes, you’ll discover that many diseases, including osteoporosis, can be addressed through alternative methods like homeopathy, traditional Chinese medicine, and macrobiotics, among others.

Moreover, allocate twenty to thirty minutes each day to the outdoors. Replace an evening gym session or a workout on an exercise bike with brisk walks (perhaps on your way to work), dog walking, gardening, or even walking to do your shopping. If you can’t carry everything in one go, it’s a reason to return tomorrow—an opportunity for another healthy walk.



The intricacies of the human body unfold through a complex interplay of individual organs and their intricate physiological and chemical processes. To truly influence our overall health, we must regard the entire system as an interconnected whole, avoiding the temptation to isolate individual elements out of context.

Caring for our individual organs necessitates a systematic and long-term approach. For robust health, it is crucial to prioritize ample sleep, cultivate joy, nurture interests in life, and particularly foster positive interpersonal and romantic relationships.

In recognizing the holistic nature of our well-being, we embrace a comprehensive understanding of health that extends beyond isolated elements, promoting a harmonious balance within the intricate symphony of our physiological and emotional well-being.

This article has been written by James H. Redford MD for Prepper’s Will.

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