How to Start Prepping with No Money



Prepping, or preparing for emergencies and disasters, is a smart move that can help you and your family survive during tough times. However, many people think that prepping requires a lot of money, and because of that, they don’t take the necessary steps to prepare.

But here’s the good news: you can start prepping right now, even if you have no money. I want to share some tips and strategies that will help you get started with prepping without breaking the bank.

How to Start Prepping with No Money

1. Start with a Plan

Before you start prepping, it’s important to have a plan in place. This will help you stay organized, focused, and motivated. Start by identifying the potential risks and hazards that you may face in your particular area. This could include natural disasters such as hurricanes or earthquakes, or other disasters such as power outages or civil unrest.

Once you have identified the risks, you’ll want to decide which one is most likely to happen to you first. This will help you focus on the most important preparations first.

2. Use What You Already Have

One of the best ways to start prepping with no money is to use what you already have. Look around your home and identify items that could be useful in an emergency. This could include:

Make a list of these items and keep them in a central location so that you can easily access them in an emergency.

3. Learn Basic Skills

Another great way to start prepping with no money is to learn basic skills that will be useful in an emergency. It doesn’t really cost anything to learn basic skills, you just have to take the time to learn! Here are some really good skills to start learning:

There are many resources available online and in your community that can help you learn these skills. Check out YouTube tutorials, attend local workshops, or join a group of like-minded individuals who are interested in prepping and willing to share their skills.

4. Stockpile on a Budget

While you may not have a lot of money to spend on prepping, there are still ways to stockpile essential items without breaking the bank. Here are some tips:

  • Be willing to give up other non-essential items so you can establish a prepping budget. Maybe one less dinner or movie date, a less robust cable package, public transportation in lieu of a commute to work, etc. Cut back on sweets and buy extra hygiene products, shampoo, storage containers, or safety gloves.
  • Shop at discount stores and dollar stores for canned and dry goods. I’ve told my readers for years that they can start prepping and keep the momentum going “one can at a time.” Yes it takes a few dollars, but most of us can spare funds for a can of beans, a small bag of rice, a box of pasta, a package of toilet paper,
  • Look for sales and discounts on essential items such as first aid supplies, flashlights, and batteries.
  • Buy in bulk to save money in the long run.
  • Consider trading with other preppers to get the items you need.
  • Look for coupons at the stores you frequent and use them wisely.

5. Create a DIY Emergency Kit

If you can’t afford to buy a pre-made emergency kit, you can create your own DIY kit using items you already have or can easily obtain. Use these items to create a DIY emergency kit!

  • A backpack or tote bag (to store your supplies)
  • Water bottles or a hydration system (for water)
  • Non-perishable food (such as granola bars or trail mix)
  • First aid supplies (bandages, antiseptic, etc.)
  • Basic tools (flashlight, knife, multi-tool, etc.)
  • Blanket or space blanket (for warmth and protection)

6. Types of Emergency Kits to Build

7. Build a Community

Building a community of like-minded individuals can be a great way to start prepping with no money. By pooling resources and sharing knowledge and skills, you can create a strong support network that will help you survive during tough times.

Reach out to friends, family, and neighbors who are also interested in prepping. Attend local meetings or events related to prepping, or start your own group if there isn’t one in your area. Survival skills aren’t a secret, use your network to learn about and master those skills.

Are you looking for ways to prepare for an emergency but have limited financial resources? Here are some frequently asked questions and answers regarding prepping with no money:

How can I start prepping if I have no money?

You can start by organizing and taking inventory of the items you already have at home. Look for items that could be useful in an emergency, such as blankets, flashlights, and non-perishable food. You can also consider learning new skills, such as basic first aid or gardening.

What are some low-cost prepping ideas?

  • Foraging for wild edibles
  • Collecting rainwater
  • Repurposing old containers for storage
  • DIY projects such as making your own candles or soap
  • Plan and build a garden on your property
  • Learn how to preserve food without using a lot of food preservation gear
  • Look for discarded items like sheets of wood to cover windows during a storm
  • Learn to sew and make many of the items you wear, sleep with, or cover your windows with
  • Don’t be afraid to buy used items like pots and pans, water storage containers, tools, and more at garage sales, estate sales, and thrift stores
  • Buy store brands that are cheaper when buying things like toothpaste, canned goods, etc.
  • Become a better cook by learning to make your own bread, cereal, and treats. Buy raw wheat and grind it into flour to complement your new cooking skills.

What should I do if I can’t afford to buy a bug-out bag?

You can create your own bug-out bag using items you already have at home. Look for a sturdy backpack or duffel bag and fill it with essential items such as water, non-perishable food, a first aid kit, and warm clothing. You can also consider repurposing items you may not have thought of, such as using a bandana as a makeshift mask.

How can I prepare for a power outage without spending money?

  • Using candles or lanterns instead of electric lights
  • Keeping warm by layering clothing and using blankets
  • Cooking meals on a camping stove or using a grill or an open fire in a fire pit
  • Keeping your phone charged with a portable power bank or solar charger
  • The next time you’re looking to buy a flashlight or lantern consider buying a solar version that is charged by the sun

Final Word

Prepping doesn’t have to be expensive. By using what you already have, learning basic skills, stockpiling on a budget, creating a DIY emergency kit, and building a community, you can start prepping right now without spending a dime. Remember, preparation is key to surviving during tough times, so don’t wait until it’s too late to start prepping. May God Bless this World, Linda

Copyright Images: Woman Putting Coins In Jar Depositphotos_197182856_S, Stacks of Coins Depositphotos_161657776_S


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