Long Term Food Storage That You Can Find Now!


long term food storage


Long term food storage is a topic that many prepper are familiar with.  When the hammer falls, we want to make sure that we have food to feed our families.  I’ve shared about food storage programs before on video and on the podcast.  One important segment of long term food storage is freeze-dried or dehydrated foods.  These are foods that are light in weight and can last up to 25 years, depending on the manufacture.


But recently, newer preppers have had trouble sourcing long term food due to the demand.  It seems like many people are expecting trouble and have the same idea about having a little long term food storage put back.


I recently contacted Survival Frog* and asked them about their stock of long term food storage.  I wanted to know what they had available in their warehouses for immediate shipping.  They responded with the following list below.  If you are looking for long term foods and you feel you missed the boat earlier, now is the time to get some for your stockpile. * I am an affiliate for Survival Frog, so anything you purchase through their website gives me a small percentage and helps me to continue running Prepper Website and the The Prepper Website Podcast.


Long Term Food Currently Available @ Survival Frog as Of Nov. 5, 2021


Investment Thoughts

I will be the first to tell you that long term food storage is not cheap!  But the food does last a long time and it provides peace of mind to those who know they have it.  I will also say that it looks like prices will only increase from here.  We’ve seen the increase at the grocery store, we will see that in long term food too!



If you make a purchase through Survival Frog for Long Term Food Storage, send me a copy of your receipt and I will send you a PDF copy of my ebook, Getting Started in Long Term Food Storage.  The ebook contains two worksheets that I think are helpful for anyone building a long term food storage plan.  Send me an email @ todd [.] sepulveda [@] prepperwebsite [.] com (please remove the [] and spaces).


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