Prepper Minimalism – The Case to Prepare with Less


prepper minimalism

A Prepper Minimalist would seem like an oxymoron to many people. This is because preppers are known for acquiring “stuff” so that they are better prepared when it is necessary.  I don’t believe anyone has said this, but I think this would be a quote many would at least give a nod to, “He who enters the apocalypse with the  most gear wins!”  I don’t know.  Maybe I’m reaching.  But as I get older, minimalism does appeal to me.

Prepper Minialism Maximizes Resources & Space

Minimalism is a philosophy that has gained popularity in recent years as people seek to simplify their lives and reduce clutter. The idea is to focus on what is truly important and eliminate anything that is unnecessary or excessive. This can be applied to prepping by taking a minimalist approach to preparedness. Instead of stockpiling a large number of supplies and equipment, minimalists focus on the essentials that are most likely to be needed in an emergency situation. This might mean that the “tacticool” or extra gear many of us buy to stockpile gets a second or third thought.  “Two is One, One is None” would only apply to the most important preparedness essentials like food, water, and first aid.

Acquiring essential items is an important aspect of managing one’s resources effectively. By obtaining only the most necessary items, individuals can optimize the use of their space, time, and money. For example, having a well-stocked pantry and fridge, based on a menu, can save time and money by reducing the need for frequent trips to the grocery store. But just going to the grocery store and stocking up on whatever is on sale would add to the pantry’s disorganization, creating a need to spend time finding a way to use the items and use money that might have been used somewhere else.  Acquiring only the essential items is a smart way to manage resources and improve the overall quality of life.

When it comes to organizing our preps, prioritizing multi-purpose items can be a game-changer. By choosing items that can serve multiple functions, you not only save space and reduce clutter, but you also eliminate the need for excess specialized equipment. For example, a Swiss Army knife can replace the need for a separate knife, scissors, and bottle opener. A dry bag can serve as both a way to keep things dry and also a water carrier. By investing in versatile items, you can simplify your life and make the most of the items you already own. Plus, you’ll save money by not having to purchase as many specialized items. 

Carry Less and Stay Mobile

Minimalism is a lifestyle that emphasizes simplicity and the removal of excess possessions. For preppers, this means only carrying the most essential items needed for survival during emergencies. By adopting a minimalist approach, preppers can be more flexible and mobile, allowing them to move around more easily during emergencies. This is because they are not weighed down by unnecessary items that can slow them down or make it difficult to move quickly. Additionally, minimalism can help preppers save space and reduce the amount of gear they need to carry, making it easier to store and transport their supplies. 

This lifestyle allows individuals to be more flexible and adaptable to different situations. For example, in a bugout situation, time is of the essence, and every second counts. Having to pack and transport a lot of belongings can slow down the process and make it more difficult to move quickly. By minimizing the number of belongings that need to be packed, individuals can focus on getting themselves and their loved ones to safety as quickly as possible. Additionally, the stress of deciding which gear to take with them can be overwhelming and lead to indecision. Remember, many preppers are bugging out with families who don’t understand preparedness or who haven’t prepared for a bugout.

So, during times of emergency, it is crucial to have a well-planned and organized evacuation or relocation process. One important factor to consider is the weight and bulk of the supplies that need to be transported. Carrying a lighter load of essential supplies can significantly improve efficiency during these processes. This is because lighter loads are easier to carry and transport, allowing individuals to move more quickly and efficiently. Additionally, lighter loads can reduce the risk of injury or exhaustion, which can slow down the evacuation process. By prioritizing essential supplies and minimizing unnecessary items, individuals can ensure that they are prepared to respond quickly and move more effectively.

Prepper Minimalist Kill ALL the Choices!

Minimalism is a lifestyle that emphasizes owning only essential items and decluttering unnecessary possessions. For preppers, this approach can be particularly useful as it helps them focus on the most important items they need to survive in an emergency situation. By reducing the number of possessions they own, preppers can also avoid feeling overwhelmed by too many choices when it comes to deciding what to bring with them in a crisis. This can be especially important when time is of the essence and quick decisions need to be made. Additionally, minimalism can help preppers save money by avoiding unnecessary purchases and investing in high-quality, durable items that will last for a long time.

When it comes to preparing for any situation, it can be overwhelming to have too many choices. This can lead to decision fatigue, where a person becomes mentally exhausted from making too many decisions. By minimizing choices, individuals can avoid this fatigue and focus on the critical aspects of preparedness. This means that they can prioritize what is most important and allocate their time and resources accordingly. For example, if someone is preparing for a natural disaster, they may choose to focus on stocking up on food, water, and medical supplies rather than spending time deciding which type of generator to purchase. By minimizing choices, individuals can streamline their preparation process and ensure that they are fully prepared for any situation that may arise.

too many choices

Checklists are an essential tool for preppers who want to ensure that they have everything they need in their preparedness supplies. These lists can help preppers determine what items are necessary instead of “nice to have.” By creating their own personal preparedness checklist, preppers can ensure that they have enough food, water, medical supplies, and other essential items to sustain themselves and their families for an extended period. Additionally, checklists can help preppers by providing an inventory of sorts and help them to stay organized and avoid overlooking critical items. Checklists have long been a great tool for preppers and it will serve the minimalist prepper as well! 

Focus on Skills and Knowledge

Minimalism encourages individuals to focus on what is truly important. For preppers, this means prioritizing the acquisition of knowledge and skills that are essential for survival in emergency situations. By learning how to build a fire, purify water, and navigate without modern technology, preppers can become more self-reliant and better equipped to handle unexpected challenges. Knowledge and skill can replace the need for many items in an emergency situation. 

This view is most evident in bushcraft.  Bushcrafters focus on the skills and knowledge to make what they need or adapt what they need in the “bush.”  This was seared into my mind when I watched a video by Lonnie of Far North Bushcraft and Survival.  In a video, now 11 years old, he builds a bucksaw able to cut bigger pieces of wood than his smaller handheld saw.  Lonnie just carries a saw blade into the woods and is able to build the rest of the saw from wood that he crafts.  This affords Lonnie the time and space to carry a smaller saw and save weight and space in his pack.

Prioritizing skills over possessions means valuing the knowledge and abilities that one possesses. This mindset encourages individuals to focus on developing their skills and abilities, which can be used to adapt to different situations and challenges. By prioritizing skills, individuals become more self-reliant and less dependent on material possessions. They are able to use their skills to solve problems, create new opportunities, and navigate through difficult situations. This approach also promotes a sense of personal growth and fulfillment, as individuals are constantly learning and improving themselves. 

Are You Ready to Be a Prepper Minimalist?

Minimalism is a way of life that promotes simplicity and intentional living. It is not just about decluttering physical possessions, but also about simplifying one’s schedule, relationships, and mental clutter. By prioritizing what truly matters, prepper minimalists are able to create more time and space for themselves. This lifestyle values experiences over material possessions and encourages individuals to invest in meaningful relationships and experiences rather than getting stuck in the prepper trap of buying more “stuff”.  A prepper minimalist lives with intention and purpose, making deliberate choices that align with their values and goals. By eliminating unnecessary distractions and focusing on the essentials, skills, and knowledge, minimalists are able to achieve greater clarity, productivity, and fulfillment in their lives.  And isn’t that what we all want?


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