Prepping & Preparedness versus That Which We Cannot Control


A recent discussion on the Open Forum which in my view crossed a threshold of potentially placing a target on this site – provides an opportunity for me to briefly summarize my current position regarding my blog and its content.

There are a bazillion topics and sub-topics of prepping & preparedness. There are the nuts-and-bolts of each topic, the finer aspects thereof, and then there are the causes / causations of the many reasons why we might prepare in the first place.

The causes. The reasons why. Mostly, there is not much, or not anything we as individuals can do about the causes. A few simple examples…

We cannot change the weather. We cannot stop hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, earthquakes. But we can prepare for them.

We cannot prevent power outages, be they relatively short events, or longer one’s. But we can prepare for them.

We cannot prevent pandemics, be they natural occurring or manufactured. But we can prepare for it.

We cannot prevent shortages of supplies in our marketplaces, regardless of the causes. But we can prepare for them.

We cannot stop the War Machine from pushing its destruction upon others. But we can prepare for potential consequences.

We cannot stop the ongoing collapse of the dollar monetary system. But we can prepare for it.

We cannot stop the political corruption of money/power/control that is embedded within our governments. But we can prepare for potential consequences thereof.

Here’s the thing… While one may argue that we may collectively potentially do something about some of the causes, my site’s focus is not Activism as such. Rather, prepping & preparedness solutions to get through the bumpy road following the causations.

With that said, I do not have a problem with discussions surrounding the various topics of causation, so long as those discussions do not place a target on my back, so to speak. Because that would be not only disrespectful and inconsiderate, but risking my supplemental income that this blog brings to my table.

One would be an idiot in today’s political climate to openly discuss on the internet – insurrection and/or crossing ‘trigger’ thresholds of anti-gov’t activism or revolution. That’s just crazy. Even our forefathers knew that! Their discussions were whispered in taverns and farm houses across the land among trusted co-patriots. All the while concerned about being ratted out to the British (for example).

Most of you should know, or likely already know that the eff bee eye actively attempts to ‘set up’ people, organizations, sites, etc… to flush out what they may consider to be ‘extremists’. For all I know, some who have been here (or come and gone) on this site over the years have been purposed towards this type of thing. I’ve had my occasional suspicions. And given that some people are so knee-jerk reactionary and gullible (and occasionally say some crazy things online), I will nip it in the bud every time.

Unfortunately, prepping & preparedness implies a negative connotation in today’s mainstream, even though it’s a common sensible approach to the wide variety of risks out there. Too bad that some prepping & preparedness sites feed that negative label. I don’t want mine to be among those which feed the negative.

Although it’s tempting, and really easy to bitch and moan about the apparent direction we’re going as a nation and/or as a world, it does no good – other than to vent. And I get that. It feels good to unload. And I do not mind, to an extent. But unfortunately, the climate today is so bad, that there is a threshold thereof which could potentially put it all at risk for me. So just be cognizant of that.

Ready Made Resources prepping and preparedness supplies
USA Berkey Filters
Fire Steel dot com
EMP Shield
Golden Eagle Coins gold and silver online
Peak Refuel authorized distributor


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