Read This Before Stockpiling Water In Blue Barrels


In times of uncertainty and potential emergencies, it’s natural for individuals and families to consider stockpiling essential supplies, such as food and water.

Among the most common methods of water storage is using blue barrels. These sturdy containers have gained popularity due to their affordability and availability.

However, before you rush to invest in these blue barrels, it’s important to understand the pros and cons and some crucial considerations associated with using blue barrels for water storage.

This article will delve into the topic and provide valuable information to make an informed decision.

The Pros Of Using Blue Barrels For Water Storage

Affordability: One of the primary advantages of using blue barrels is their cost-effectiveness.

Blue barrels are relatively inexpensive and readily available compared to other water storage options, such as specialized water tanks or containers.

They can be purchased from various retailers or sourced second-hand from local suppliers.

Read This Before Stockpiling Water In Blue BarrelsDurability: Blue barrels are designed to withstand rough handling and harsh conditions. Made from high-density polyethylene, they resist impacts, corrosion, and ultraviolet radiation.

This durability ensures that your water supply remains safe and uncontaminated for an extended period.

Portability: Blue barrels are relatively easy to transport and move around, making them suitable for individuals or families needing to evacuate during emergencies.

Their manageable size and weight allow easy loading into vehicles.

The Cons And Considerations

Contamination Risk: While blue barrels can effectively store water, it’s essential to understand that they are not initially designed for this purpose. Due to this, if you are sourcing blue barrels second-hand, you must understand the risks.

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These barrels may have been previously used for transporting various substances, such as food or chemicals, which can leave behind residues and potentially contaminate the water.

Proper cleaning and disinfection of the barrels are vital to ensure the safety of the stored water.

Limited Capacity: Blue barrels typically come in standard sizes ranging from 30 to 55 gallons, which may not be sufficient for long-term water storage, especially for larger households.

It’s important to assess your water needs and determine whether additional barrels or alternative storage methods are required to adequately meet them.

Read This Before Stockpiling Water In Blue BarrelsSpace and Storage: Storing several blue barrels requires significant space. Before stockpiling water in blue barrels, consider whether you can accommodate the barrels.

Selecting an appropriate location, like a cool, dark area away from direct sunlight and contaminants, is crucial.

Rotation and Maintenance: Water stored in blue barrels should be regularly rotated and replenished to ensure freshness and prevent stagnation.

Regular maintenance and inspections are necessary to identify any signs of damage, leakage, or contamination.

Additionally, consider the shelf life of water treatment chemicals used to keep the stored water safe, as they may expire over time.

Regulations and Compliance: Depending on your location, regulations or guidelines regarding water storage and treatment may exist.

It’s essential to familiarize yourself with the local laws and ensure that your water storage methods comply with the necessary standards.

Alternatives And Supplementary Water Storage Methods

While blue barrels can serve as a suitable water storage solution for many situations, it’s worth exploring alternative or supplementary methods to enhance your preparedness:

Read This Before Stockpiling Water In Blue Barrels

Water Tanks

If you require more water storage capacity, dedicated water tanks designed for long-term water storage may be more appropriate. These tanks are available in various sizes and can be installed indoors or outdoors.

Water Bottles And Water Pouches

Individual water bottles or water pouches are convenient options for short-term emergencies or situations where portability is crucial.

They are pre-packaged, easy to distribute, and can be stored in smaller spaces.

Water Filtration And Purification

In addition to storing water, investing in water filtration and purification systems can provide an added protection layer and are essential for long-term survival.

These systems can remove contaminants from untreated water sources, such as bacteria, viruses, and chemicals, ensuring a safe and reliable water supply.

Stockpiling water is an essential part of emergency preparedness. While blue barrels offer affordability, durability, and portability, it’s crucial to carefully consider their limitations and associated considerations before running out to find an ample supply.

Assess your water storage needs, explore alternative options, and familiarize yourself with local regulations to ensure reliable and safe water during uncertain times.

No matter how you store it, remember to regularly maintain and rotate your stored water to keep it fresh and safe for consumption. Stay safe.

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