Survival Tips that Could Save Your Life



In a world where emergencies can happen unexpectedly, it’s important to be prepared with survival skills that could save your life. Whether you’re lost in the wilderness or facing a natural disaster, knowing how to fend for yourself and make smart decisions in crucial moments is important. Being properly prepared can mean the difference between life and death.

Survival Tips that Could Save Your Life

Survival Tips That Could Save Your Life

In this guide, we’ll explore some essential survival tips. These are tips that can help you stay safe and survive even the most challenging situations. Buckle up and get ready to learn some life-saving strategies!

Coughing vs Choking

Don’t make the mistake of trying to step in and intervene when someone is coughing and trying to clear their throat. This shows that there is air getting in and out with only partial blockage and the person should be able to work it out on their own. But if a person isn’t coughing, talking, or breathing, it’s obvious when you should administer back blows and the Heimlich. Are You Prepared for a Medical Emergency?

Lost in the Wilderness Survival Tips

Pay attention to survival skills that could save your life! If you’re ever lost in the middle of nowhere, stop where you are. Go ahead and take a minute to think, and especially, try not to panic! Freaking out will only make your situation worse because you won’t be thinking clearly and could end up getting yourself hurt or even more lost.

If you can’t find any recognizable markers or high vantage points while trying to retrace your steps, look for a river or brook and start heading downstream.

This will help you save energy by going downhill and hopefully, you’ll run into civilization at some point, even if it’s just a trail. But if it’s starting to get dark, you’ll need to make a fire to help keep warm for the night so that you can try again the next day. Never try to travel by night when you can’t see clearly. 5 Vital Wilderness Survival Skills For Teens

Being in the wilderness at night creates other significant challenges. Hopefully, as part of your preparation, you took a backpack with items you can use when building a shelter from the elements, including cold weather. You want to protect yourself and others from getting hypothermia. This means being able to generate warmth by making a fire with tinder, using body heat as group participants to stay warm, and possibly having Mylar blankets for sleeping.

When You’re Being Followed

Have you ever felt like while you were driving someone was following you? My advice in this situation is the trick to turn four times. This will put you back to where you started and if they’re still on your tail, you might be in some serious trouble. Whatever you do, don’t head home! I recommend that you drive towards your nearest police station or call 911 and tell them your location and situation. 20 Ways to Step Up Security Measures Around Your Property

If you’re being followed on foot, try to draw attention to yourself with a loud whistle. This will signal to others that you may be in distress, and hopefully, someone will come to your aid. Many times, a rescuer isn’t a policeman but a common citizen wanting to help.

Saving Yourself or Others from Drowning

Perhaps you don’t know how to swim but managed to fall into the water somehow. Don’t panic! Staying alive in this situation doesn’t necessarily have to do with swimming, but floating. Hold your breath and tilt your head back and you should float to the surface. Once you’ve broken through the water, continue to keep your head back and float on your back by extending out your legs. How to Utilize a Pool in an Emergency

If you’re trying to save someone else’s life from drowning and don’t have a choice but to come into contact with them, make sure that you come up behind them (not in front) and slip your arms across the victim’s chest. Bring their back up to your chest and keep their hands away from you. Should they grab onto you and start to put you under, allow yourself to swim down because the last place they’ll want to go is under the water, and should let go.

Removing a Sharp Object From a Wound

Never try to pull an object from a deep wound on your own, whether it’s a splinter, glass, a knife, or a bullet. While it may have been what caused the injury in the first place, it may be what’s keeping the bleeding from getting out of control. Until you’re able to get help, put pressure around the wound to help minimize the bleeding. What Are 20 Basic Items in an Emergency Kit?

I’ve suggested to my readers for years to not only have a first aid kit at home but also in their car for a number of survival situations. These kits can’t resolve all hazards, but can help with most less serious injuries. It could be a bite by various insects, burns, stomach aches, and other issues. Having bandaids, gauze, medicine, and ointments can mean all the difference.

What to Do if You’re Being Tied Up

Should you ever find yourself being tied up, do everything you can to puff yourself up by stretching out your arms and legs and tensing up your muscles. That way you’ll have more wiggle room when you go to inhale and try to squeeze your way out.

Always Wear a Belt

If you happen to work somewhere that has sharp machinery, whether it’s construction or factory work, always wear a belt. The same goes for when you’re out hiking or camping in the woods. At least you’d have something that you could use as a makeshift tourniquet that could very well save your life. 35 Items Every Prepper Should Have When Traveling

A belt can also be used as a sling if you have damaged your arm and need to hold it in a stable position.

How to Respond When Someone is Having a Seizure

When a person is having a seizure and falls to the ground, the first thing that people do is try to pick them up and put them back on their feet. Don’t! Leave them on the ground because they are still dazed and confused and could fall back down again. Instead, move furniture and other objects away from them so they don’t get hurt if they continue to shake or flail their arms and legs. Then, try to put something soft underneath the back of their head for support. What To Do When There Is No Medical Help

Many times people having a seizure also can have trouble breathing. It’s best if you can get them to lay on their side rather than their back so the tongue doesn’t slide back towards the airway. If they have glasses, be sure to remove them so they can’t smash them into their face or eyes. If they have tight or restrictive clothes on, try to loosen them so they can breathe more easily. If available, put a pillow under their head. You can use a piece of clothing if necessary. It’s also a good idea to cover them with a blanket or jacket. Try to keep them calm by staying calm yourself and talking with a gentle voice.

What to Do If You’re Stuck in a Rip Current

Another one of the most important survival tips that could save your life has to do with currents in the ocean. Even the best swimmers can drown in a rip current if they don’t know what to do. Your first instinct is to swim directly back to shore, but this will wear you out quickly and eventually, you could drown.

Instead, swim in a direction parallel to the shore until you’re out of the current then try to get back to shore. If you’re too tired, float on your back and wave your arms for help. Natural Disaster Preparedness Tips You Need

When You Have No Access To Water

If you ever find yourself in a situation where you have no access to water, you’ll need to improvise by using other sources of hydration. Coconut milk, cactus juice, and the water that’s found inside fallen tree trunks are all possible options to help you stay alive until you can find a proper source. Is Tap Water Safe to Drink?

One of the most common challenges for people in distress is to experience dehydration. There is a myth that people should drink their own urine to survive. Remember, the body is discharging urine as part of the process to dispose of bodily waste compounds. Some other places to look as water sources are rainwater, ice or snow, puddles, morning dew on plants, fruits and some plants, and tree forks. None of this liquid isn’t without some issues so filter or treat it as best as possible. Life Straws are easy to carry and can treat up to 1,000 gallons of liquid. Costco had some on sale in a four pack this week.

More Survival Tips

Final Word

Though it may be impossible to predict all the scenarios that could happen in life, hopefully, these survival tips can help you make it out alive if you ever find yourself in a dangerous situation. Do you know of any other survival tips that you’ve learned that you’d be willing to share with others? I’d love to hear from you in the comments down below! What survival tips that could save your life would you share? May God Bless this World, Linda.

Copyright Images: Womens Fashionable Belts Depositphotos_179937548_S, Riptide Warning Depositphotos_4477439_S


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