What are Fallout Shelters? | Find a Fallout Shelter Near Me!


A fallout shelter is an enclosed space designed to protect people from the harmful effects of a nuclear explosion. Fallout shelters can be found in many different places, including schools, hospitals and government buildings.

They are typically equipped with supplies such as food, water and medical supplies. Some shelters also have decontamination showers and radiation meters to help people determine if it is safe to leave the shelter.

Fallout shelters are a vital part of any community’s emergency plan. They can provide protection from the harmful effects of a nuclear explosion, and they can also help reduce the amount of radiation exposure people would receive in the event of a nuclear attack.

How Fallout Shelters Differ From Bomb Shelters

Bomb shelters are designed to protect people from the impact of a bomb, while fallout shelters are designed to protect people from the radiation that is released after a nuclear explosion. Fallout shelters are typically underground, while bomb shelters can be either underground or aboveground.

Fallout shelters also typically have more supplies than bomb shelters, and they are specifically designed to help people survive the radiation exposure that comes with a nuclear explosion. Fallout can be carried by the wind for many miles after a nuclear explosion, so it is important to have a safe place to go if a nuclear attack occurs.

What Makes a Good Fallout Shelter?

A good fallout shelter needs to have a high PF (Protective Factor) rating in order to provide the best level of protection against the radiation emitted from fallout. If you were in a shelter with a PF of 200, you would only get 1/200th of the radiation dose that you would have gotten if you were outside without protection.

Additionally, a good fallout shelter should be made from thick layers of dense material in order to reduce the amount of radiation that penetrates the shelter. Finally, it is important that the shelter is well-ventilated in order to allow fresh air to circulate and help reduce the amount of radiation that accumulates inside.

How Fast Do You Need to Get Inside a Fallout Shelter?

If you are in an area that is within the potential range of a nuclear explosion, you need to get inside a fallout shelter as quickly as possible. The amount of radiation that you will be exposed to if you are outside will increase the longer you are exposed, so it is important to seek protection as soon as possible. A good rule of thumb is to get to shelter as fast as possible but try to do so within 10-15 minutes, that’s when large amounts of toxic fallout with fall back to earth from the explosion.

How Long Do You Need to Stay Inside a Fallout Shelter?

You should stay inside a fallout shelter for as long as possible. After a nuclear explosion, radiation exposure decreases 55% an hour after the explosion and 80% after 24 hours. This is due to the fact that the fallout will have settled and the radiation levels will be much lower. However, it is still important to stay inside a fallout shelter for as long as possible to minimize your exposure to radiation. The longer you stay inside, the less radiation you will be exposed to. It is typically safe to leave the shelter after 48 hours, but you should check with a radiation meter to make sure it is safe to do so.

Are There Public Fallout Shelters in the USA?

Yes, there are many public fallout shelters in the USA. In fact, most government buildings have a fallout shelter on-site. Additionally, many schools and hospitals have fallout shelters as well.

Fallout shelters can be found all throughout the United States. They were often built in public buildings like movie theaters, banks, and universities; however, many residential apartment buildings from the 1950s and 1960s have them as well. By the 1970s, funding for this program had dried up and the fallout shelters were mostly neglected or repurposed for something else.

The majority of these public fallout shelters were not specifically intended to be fallout shelters. Instead, they are buildings with thick walls or basements deemed deep enough to protect from the fallout.

If you are in an area that is within the potential range of a nuclear explosion, it is important to know where the nearest fallout shelter is. You should also make sure that you have a plan for how you will get to the shelter quickly if a nuclear attack occurs.

Find Fallout Shelters Near You (Example: Fallout Shelters in New York City, NY)

The Downside of Public Fallout Shelters

The downside of public fallout shelters is that they are not always well-maintained and may not be up to date with the latest safety standards. Additionally, many of these shelters were not specifically designed as fallout shelters, so they may not have the features that are necessary for protection against radiation. Finally, since these shelters are often located in public buildings, there may be a lot of people crowded inside during a nuclear emergency. This could make it difficult to find a space to shelter in and difficult to move around inside the shelter.

You also need to take into account that not everyone will show up to the fallout shelter within the approximate 10-15 minutes immediately after the explosion. When these people do show up, do you let them in? They’ll be heavily contaminated and simply opening the door will let radiation in. Something to think about prior to seeking public shelters.

What If You Can’t Find a Fallout Shelter Near You?

If you can’t find a fallout shelter near you, there are a few things that you can do to protect yourself from radiation. One is to find a concrete building and go inside. The thicker the walls of the building, the better. You should also try to get as deep underground as possible. Another option is to find a hill or tall building and go to the basement or the lowest level. The higher up you are, the less radiation you will be exposed to. If all of these options are not available, try to find as much cover as possible and stay away from windows.

Basement or Crawlspace of Your Home

If you are unable to find a public fallout shelter near you, the next best thing is to find some cover in your home. The basement or crawlspace of your home is a good place to go because it is underground and will provide some protection from radiation. You should also try to get as deep into the basement or crawlspace as possible. If neither of these options are available, try to find a spot in your home that has as much cover as possible. Stay away from windows and do not go outside if it is not necessary.

Large Office Buildings

The first reason why you would go to Large Office Buildings after a nuclear explosion for safety is that they are typically built to withstand a lot of damage. They have thick walls and a strong foundation, which means they are less likely to collapse in a nuclear blast.

Additional Places

  • Underground Parking Garages
  • Mines and Caves
  • Subway Tunnels

Building Your Own Fallout Shelter

Building your own fallout shelter can be a great way to protect yourself and your family in the event of a nuclear disaster. There are many different ways to build a shelter, and you can choose the option that best suits your needs. One popular option is to build a fallout shelter using a shipping container. Shipping containers are sturdy and weatherproof, making them ideal for this purpose. Another option is to use a basement or crawlspace in your home as a shelter or building a dual purpose root cellar, whichever option you choose, be sure to stock your shelter with plenty of food and water, as well as medical supplies and other essential items. You may also want to consider installing a ventilation system to keep the air fresh. With a little preparation, you can ensure that you and your loved ones will be safe if disaster strikes.


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