What to Feed Squirrels? | Feeding Guidelines


Do you enjoy watching squirrels play in your backyard? If you do, you might be wondering what to feed them. There are many different types of food that you can provide for squirrels, but there are a few that stand out as the best options. In this blog post, we will discuss what to feed squirrels and why it is important to do so. Keep reading to learn more!

Why Feed Squirrels In Your Backyard?

One of the joys of backyard living is getting to interact with the local wildlife. One way to do this is to feed squirrels in your backyard. Not only is it fun to watch them play and forage for food, but it can also be beneficial for their health. Plus, it helps ensure that the squirrels have enough to eat when natural sources of food are scarce. But perhaps most importantly, by feeding squirrels you can help support the local ecosystem.

Squirrels play an important role in dispersing seeds and maintaining forest health, and by ensuring that they have enough to eat you can help keep these populations strong. They are natural foragers and will help to keep your lawn free of nuts, seeds, and other debris. In addition, they will also occasionally eat insects, helping to control the population of pests in your yard.

By providing a consistent food source, you can help them stay nourished and avoid unhealthy diets. In addition, feeding squirrels can help to keep them away from gardens and other areas where they might cause damage. As a result, everyone can enjoy the friendly creatures that add so much life to our yards. So next time you see a squirrel in your backyard, don’t shoo it away – give it a little something to eat instead. Your backyard (and the local ecosystem) will thank you for it!

Create a Squirrel Feeder Space

Have you ever noticed how squirrels always seem to find the one spot in your garden where they can do the most damage? Well, what if there was a way to provide them with their own space where they could eat without wreaking havoc on your flowers and vegetables?

If you’re looking to create a space specifically for these furry friends, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, choose a location that is safe from predators and near some trees or shrubs for shelter. Next, consider the type of food that squirrels like to eat, which includes nuts, seeds, and fruits. You’ll also need to provide a source of fresh water. Once you have all of the necessary supplies, you can start putting together your squirrel feeder space! Be sure to add some hiding spots for when they want to rest.

With a little bit of planning, you can create a fun and welcoming space for your backyard squirrels. Plus, it’s a fun way to watch these furry little creatures as they go about their day. So why not give it a try? You might be surprised at how much damage squirrels can avoid by having their own dedicated feeding area.

Keeps Them Away From Bird Feeders

Squirrels are notorious for raiding bird feeders, but there are a few different ways that you can keep squirrels away from your bird feeders. One way is to use a baffle. A baffle is a cone or cylinder that hangs below the feeder and extends outwards. The squirrels are unable to climb around the baffle to get to the feeder. Another way to keep squirrels away from your bird feeders is to use a weight sensitive feeder. The weight sensitive feeder will close off access to the food when a squirrel steps on it.

The final way to keep squirrels away from your bird feeders is to use a squirrel proof bird feeder bag. The bag goes over the top of the bird feeder and has a set of straps that go around the pole or branch that the bird feeder is hung on. This prevents the squirrels from being able to climb up to the bird feeder. Whichever method you choose, by following these steps you can help to keep your backyard birds safe from pesky squirrels.

Some Foods They’ll Love


Corncobs are an excellent source of food for squirrels, and they’re easy to find in the fall when corn is in season. You can simply put out a few corn cobs and watch as the squirrels come to feast. The best part is that you don’t have to worry about corn kernels getting scattered all over your yard, as they do with other types of feeders. Be sure to check the corncobs regularly, though, as they will eventually start to spoil. Once they do, simply throw them out and put out fresh ones. This is a great way to provide food for squirrels while also enjoying their antics in your backyard.


Nuts are a great option because they are packed with nutrients and energy. You can either place a bowl of nuts out for the squirrels or scatter them around your yard. Just make sure to check the bowl regularly and refill it as needed. The squirrels will appreciate your efforts, and you’ll enjoy watching them fatten up for the winter!

Provide Water

There are several easy ways to provide a source of water for backyard squirrels. One option is to fill a birdbath with fresh water and place it in a shady spot. Another option is to buy or build a small water fountain specifically for squirrels. These fountains can be placed on the ground or mounted on a tree or fence. Either way, you’ll be providing much-needed relief for thirsty backyard squirrels.

My Birdbath Experience

I often see squirrels scurrying around my backyard, and I recently decided to do something to help them out. I picked up a small birdbath and filled it with fresh water, and I placed it in a spot where the squirrels could easily reach it. Now, every day, I see one or more squirrels come to drink from the birdbath. They seem to really appreciate having a reliable source of water, and I’m glad that I was able to help them out. If you have squirrels in your backyard, I would encourage you to do the same. It’s a small act of kindness that can make a big difference in their lives.

Helps Squirrels Better Survive Winter

As the weather starts to cool down and the days grow shorter, squirrels begin to prepare for winter. They gather food and store it in their nests, and they also layer up their fur to keep warm. However, even with these preparations, winter can still be a tough time for squirrels. They may not be able to find enough food, or they may get sick. That’s why providing them with a little extra help can go a long way.

By putting out some food for them, you can give them a boost that will help them better survive the winter months. Just make sure to put the food in a safe place, away from any busy roads. And don’t forget to enjoy watching them as they scamper around your yard!

Control your Pets to Keep Squirrels Safe

If you have ever seen a squirrel darting around your yard, you may have noticed that your dog or cat takes notice as well. While it may be tempting to let your pet loose to give chase, this can often lead to squirrels getting hurt. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to help keep your pets under control and prevent them from harming the local wildlife:

– Use a leash when you take them outside so they can’t wander off and start chasing squirrels.

– Keep them inside or in a fenced area when you’re not able to supervise them.

– Train them to obey commands such as “sit” or “stay” so you can stop them in their tracks if they start to chase after a squirrel.

– Reward them with treats or praise when they leave the squirrels alone.

By taking these precautions, you can help ensure that both your pets and the squirrels stay safe and healthy.

Plant Sunflowers for Squirrels

Planting sunflowers for squirrels to eat can be a great way to provide them with a nutritious food source. Sunflower seeds are packed with protein, vitamins, and minerals, and they can help to sustain a squirrel’s energy levels throughout the day. In addition, planting sunflowers also provides a source of shelter and shade for squirrels during hot weather. So, if you’re looking for a way to help out your local squirrel population, consider planting some sunflowers. Who knows – you might just make a new friend in the process.

What To Avoid Feeding Squirrels

You may think it’s cute to see a squirrel nibbling on a piece of popcorn or raiding your bird feeder, but there are actually a few things that you shouldn’t feed them. While squirrels are mostly herbivores, meaning they eat plants, they can also be opportunistic eaters. This means that they will eat just about anything if they are hungry enough. However, this can actually be harmful to their health.

Some of the things that you should avoid feeding squirrels include: nuts that have been treated with chemicals, uncooked peanuts and human junk food like chips or cereal. These foods can cause digestive problems or even poisoning in squirrels. So if you’re looking to give the squirrels in your backyard a treat, make sure you choose something that’s good for them. Peanuts, fruits, and vegetables are all safe options.

Learn About the Squirrels’ Habits

Squirrels are one of the most common animals in North America, and it’s easy to see why. Their playful antics and bushy tails make them irresistible, but there’s more to these creatures than meets the eye. Below are some fascinating facts about their day-to-day lives.

During the winter months, squirrels spend most of their time huddled together in their nests to stay warm. In the summer, they prefer to sleep in trees to stay cool. Throughout the year, they spend a lot of time grooming each other to keep their fur clean and free of parasites.

Squirrels are also notorious for hoarding nuts and seeds. They typically bury their food in the ground so they can find it later when they need it. This habit helps them survive during lean times when food is scarce.

Finally, squirrels are very active creatures. They love to chase each other and play games. This activity helps them stay sharp and avoid predators.

All in all, squirrels are fascinating creatures with a rich inner life. The next time you see one scrambling up a tree or darting across your yard, take a moment to appreciate all that they do to survive and thrive in the world.

Final Thoughts

Squirrels are a lot of fun to watch, and they can be very entertaining in your backyard. By providing them with food and a place to feed, you’re helping them survive during the winter months, which is especially important since your standard tree squirrel doesn’t hibernate. Make sure you keep an eye on your pets so that they don’t harass the squirrels, and plant some sunflowers to make your yard even more appealing to these furry creatures. What do you think about feeding squirrels in your backyard?


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