Why You Shouldn’t Put All Your Prepping Gear in One Place


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In today’s world, many people have turned to prepping to protect themselves and their families in emergencies. Prepping involves gathering essential supplies and developing skills to ensure self-sufficiency during crisis situations.

While having a stockpile of provisions is crucial, it is equally important to avoid the common mistake of centralizing all your prepping items in one place. I’m a big fan of telling others why you shouldn’t put all your prepping gear in one place. This may appear contrary to my suggestion to have things handy so you can easily grab the critical items if you have to evacuate in a hurry. Grabbing things in a hurry would certainly apply to your 72-Hour Kit or grab-and-go bag, along with your important documents binder.

Since I plan to shelter in place and evacuate as a last resort, most all my preparedness items will be here at home, and I think most people would feel similarly. There are those who have a remote location to evacuate to and I understand their desire to do so. Either way, we need at least some basic items like food, water, first aid items, and extra clothing to make sure we can survive for at least a few days.

Here are some reasons to pay attention to this concept of storing your prepping items!

72 Hour Kits and Emergency Binder

How can I keep track of my prepping gear stored in multiple locations?

To keep track of your prepping gear, create a detailed inventory list or checklist of what you have stored away that includes the location, contents, expiration dates, and any additional notes you feel are important. Maintain a digital or physical copy of this inventory and update it regularly as necessary.

1. Mitigate the Risk of Loss

Putting all your prepping items in one location poses a significant risk. In the event of a natural disaster, fire, or other unforeseen circumstances, you could lose everything in an instant. Placing your supplies across multiple locations, you minimize the likelihood of losing everything at once.

Consider dispersing your provisions among several secure locations, such as your home, a small closet at work, a storage unit as a last resort due to the cost, or even with trusted friends or family members.

2. Increase Accessibility

During an emergency, access to your prepping supplies may become difficult or even impossible if they are all stored in one place. Disasters like floods or fires can render a single location inaccessible. When you spread your provisions across various locations, you ensure that you have access to at least some of your supplies, even if one location becomes unreachable. This is a really important reason why you shouldn’t keep all your prepping gear in one place.

3. Enhance Security

Having all your prepping items concentrated in one location makes you vulnerable to theft. In times of crisis, looting and theft often increase, and a centralized stockpile becomes an attractive target for opportunistic individuals, especially if it’s known that you are a prepper.

Taking the time to move your supplies to different places, reduces the likelihood of losing everything to theft. It is advisable to store your most valuable and critical supplies in separate, secure locations to minimize the risk of theft. How Humans Can Use Mountains During a Disaster

4. Adaptability and Flexibility

In a rapidly changing situation, adaptability and flexibility are key to survival. By spreading your prepping supplies across different locations, you increase your ability to adapt to various scenarios. For example, if you need to evacuate quickly, having supplies in multiple locations allows you to grab essentials from each place instead of relying solely on one centralized stockpile.

5. Redundancy and Resilience

Diversifying your prepping supplies ensures you’ll have supplies, which is crucial for resilience in emergency situations. If one location or set of supplies becomes compromised or depleted, you have backups in other places. This provides a safety net and increases your chances of sustaining yourself and your loved ones during prolonged crises.

6. Barter and Trade Opportunities

During times of crisis, bartering and trading become valuable means of obtaining necessities. Don’t keep your prepping supplies in one area because then, you might limit opportunities for bartering or trading with others who may have items that you need. Having goods stored in multiple locations increases your bargaining power, and enables you to participate in mutually beneficial exchanges. 50 Items You Need In Order To Barter

7. Psychological Comfort

Not keeping your prepping supplies in one spot can provide psychological comfort. Knowing that you have supplies stored in different locations gives you a sense of security and peace of mind. It helps alleviate the anxiety of relying solely on one stockpile, allowing you to focus on other important aspects of survival.

How often should I check and rotate the supplies stored in different locations?

It’s essential to regularly check and rotate the supplies stored in different locations to ensure their freshness and usability. Set a schedule to inspect and replace expired items, update your inventory, and replenish any depleted supplies.

Isn’t it inconvenient to have my prepping gear scattered in different places?

While it may seem inconvenient at first, distributing your prepping gear in multiple locations ensures that you have access to supplies even if one location becomes inaccessible. It’s a small trade-off for increased preparedness and security.

What are the advantages of distributing prepping gear in multiple locations?

Distributing your prepping gear in multiple locations provides security and ensures that you have access to essential supplies even if one location is compromised. It also reduces the risk of losing all your gear in a single event.

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Final Word

While accumulating prepping supplies is crucial, it is equally important to change up their storage locations. Remember, preparedness is not just about having supplies, but also about strategically managing them for maximum survival. Your prepping plan is up to you and your family alone, no one can tell you what to do. Taking the time to prepare a plan and then executing that plan is vital. It means having essential items, knowing how to use them, and acquiring survival skills so you can help yourself and others in times of need are all important aspects of being prepared. May God Bless this World, Linda


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