Your Garden – The Most-Important Last Ditch Prep To Start Now


No one should need to tell you how our times are growing more difficult every day. Inflation continues unabated, our politicians continue to spend our tax money like drunken sailors, and the Mainstream media lie to us all the time about it all. Nationally, crime is rampant, and supply chains are disrupted, food production is under attack, social cohesion is shredding and institutions we once trusted have been corrupted – some seemingly beyond repair.

We are witnessing a re-orientation of government into the hands of the few whose accumulated wealth and power are being used to systematically strip citizens of rights and freedoms, in the name of a myriad of dubious causes. All for the purpose of ending nation-states and instituting global government.

One such cause is “climate change.” Governments all over the world are using this to institute their control over food supplies, and limiting consumer choices for meat, dairy, and safer food. They are breaking the existing system and “fixing” it with their “solutions.” These solutions include limiting how we are allowed to buy our food, placing limits on what we can consume and how much, forbidding rainwater harvesting, actively engaging in destroying family farms and farming practices, while softening the public to begin consuming bugs as a primary source of protein rather than meat. In some locations, they are even forbidding people to use their own land to grow their own food.

As their control over the global banking system becomes total through the destruction of the U.S. economy and dollar, the gold-backed BRICS nations are in rebellion for self-preservation. The time will soon come when there will be a global digital currency harmonizing all existing national monetary units into one, under the ultimate control of a few people. With this control, they will force everyone to be subject to a social credit system, will limit what foods you can consume and how much, or even cut off access to your own money. Truly a nightmare scenario!

What Do You Need to Do? Start a Garden!

This is why you need to learn how to garden and learn to grow food year ‘round.

Because governments seek to control populations by limiting our food supplies, it is imperative for survival that every household should have a garden, both outside and indoors.

By learning to garden successfully, you will gain many immediate benefits including lowering your grocery bill, knowing the source of your food, and ensuring it is not tampered with by chemical additives or genetic manipulation. Growing your own organic vegetables will ensure you receive nutrient-rich foods to keep you and your family healthy and strong. If you use heirloom seeds and save some seeds from each crop, you will ensure an endless supply of food that you can grow and enjoy year-round.

Starting a garden begins with a basic education. Watch YouTube videos or read books from your local library on how to garden. You will also need some rudimentary garden tools, good soil, and seeds or seedling starts. Keeping track of everything you do in a notebook will help you to learn from your mistakes and become an expert gardener in less time. If you own a house, grow food in your yard. If you rent, ask the landlord if you can start a garden in their yard, or start a container garden on your porch, balcony, or patio.

Managing Your Gardening Costs

One can start a garden with little cost, but there are some expenses you will need to pay for. When I started planning for my container garden earlier this year, my first step was to review my existing budget to find a way to pay for it.

Most people shrug off doing the most important things to empower themselves and take care of their families – all because they believe they cannot afford to do it. Don’t let this be your excuse! Go over the monthly expenses in your budget (housing cost, insurance, car payment, cell phone plans, cable TV, etc.) with a fine-tooth comb. Start with the most- expensive line items and examine every possible way to reduce or eliminate that cost. Even if you’ve done this before, do it again.

For example, I shaved an extra $37 per month off my auto insurance by shopping around and reviewing my options. I found the same coverage for a lot less cost. $37 may not seem like much, but that extra money was added into the grocery budget which has allowed me to keep up with runaway food inflation and stock up on more canned food, which is a top prepping priority for me. This also allowed me to purchase some micro-green trays, seeds, a few simple gardening hand tools, and a small indoor greenhouse ($42 from, which I am setting up in my garage.

To grow food all year long one needs to learn how to garden outside either in the ground or in containers, or using both methods. To grow food indoors, gardeners can learn to sprout, grow micro-greens on a table using a grow light set-up, or limited gardening in a grow tent or indoor greenhouse. Serious gardeners in colder climates typically have an outdoor greenhouse which is heated during the winter. Some have constructed underground walipinis (pronounced wall-uh-peenee) on their homesteads. For the purposes of this article, I will assume the reader is not an experienced gardener and has little money to start gardening.

Gardening doesn’t have to cost a lot. There are ways to cut down on the expenses. One way is< by saving and recycling plastic food containers and use them as pots. You can start very small,< by learning to sprout or grow micro-greens and grow garden seedling plants from seed in such containers. I started by learning to sprout and have already sprouted for several years using small sprouting systems purchased online. I learned that I could have done it without that original expense, and have the same results.

You don’t even need to buy seeds to start! You can use your vegetable scraps to replant and regrow food. For example, I bought some fresh vegetables from a local Amish organic farmer and I followed the instructions from a YouTube video on how to cut an onion, saving the roots, then place the cutting into water and grow new roots for new onions. I recently transplanted two< onions restarted this way into soil and will be moving the newer onion seedlings into my garage greenhouse later this Fall.

Gardening is About Learning

Learn to grow the foods you eat. Start with what you use the most. I started with Alfalfa sprouts and later branched out into more protein-dense greens like mung bean and sunflower sprouts. Once you learn to grow some of your own food successfully, figure out how to increase your food production.

Once I could sprout food on a regular basis indoors, I moved outdoors to grow even more food. While the results from my first container garden were not as much as I had hoped for, I did learn why my production was low and have noted it for future crops. However, this summer I was able to grow onions, bok choi, baby spinach, and zucchini, which is why I invested a little money for a small indoor greenhouse, to increase production of these foods over this coming winter. Learn from your mistakes and keep plugging at it! Growing food is one of those things that takes time to achieve more predictable results.

If you start learning now, start with indoor sprouting or growing micro-greens. You can easily use canning jars or recycled plastic containers. Do a YouTube search for growing sprouts or micro-greens and watch all the many ways you can do it and only pay for the seeds. Additionally, grow vegetables from kitchen scraps and see if you can grow several more of these vegetables this winter, either on a south-facing windowsill that gets plenty of sunshine, or under an inexpensive grow light.

You can enjoy fresh greens all through this coming Fall and Winter, and then branch out by growing your garden seedlings from seed, beginning next spring. Take the time to learn all you can this winter on how to grow your most-consumed vegetables successfully and figure out your costs and how to pay for it. Once paid for, the costs associated with gardening go down over time. But certainly find every way you can to get started! The goal is to be able to grow food all year long both indoors and outdoors.

By starting now, you will be learning the most important last-ditch skill for you and your family’s survival.

This is a guest post by PJ Graves.


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