VIDEO: How to Build a Better Bucksaw


A saw is an indispensable backcountry tool. It allows you to construct structures, process firewood, and even make tools. However, it’s not always practical to carry a large saw.

So what do you do when even a fold saw doesn’t make the packing list?

Well, in this video, Tyler shows you with only a saw blade, cordage, two bolts, and a couple of nuts, you can construct a buck saw. And, not just bucksaw, but an upgraded version designed by Kelly Harlton of Karamat Wilderness Ways.

Tyler uses a folding saw to cut the pieces, but with practice and care, you can use the blade from your saw to harvest the wood and then just about any knife to shape the pieces to size.

This design uses a few extra pieces of wood to greatly strengthen the saw and help it main rigidity, so don’t miss the instruction in this video.

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