Check out our friend Doc Abrams

Doc Abrams has a great story. From his mouth:

In 1998 while trying to pay for college in my pursuit to be an orthopedic surgeon, I joined the Army to be a Combat Medic. I learned a great deal on the treatment and care of my troops I was responsible for.

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This picture is from me sewing up one of my teammates after a rugby match. Showing how much I care about my teammates and others around me.

Recently I have worked with a few other veteran entrepreneurs who saw the value of offering TacMed training for both Civilians, first responders, and people looking to offer aide. Helping others is part of my ethos and know I can applify that thought through my training and Kits. These kits emulate what we called footballs or in my case Rugby balls in the Army. They were placed in each vehicle in case a Trauma happened so those whom I trained as combat lifesavers or other soldier could administer buddy or self aide.

This is the critical point of these kits offering aide in the first 10 mins of trauma also known as the platinum 10 minutes. Where if Aid is administered it increases your or the victims likelihood of survival, this has been debated for the last few years, however it is better to treat as all injuries are severe rather than not ignore them and try to fix them later.

We are building out individual supplies and kits along with training to help everyone be that buddy when things go bad. Check out our kits and next training class below through these links.

We have also started offering CPR/AED training as well to anyone interested. Click the link below to chat with us about setting up training near you.

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