Prepper Food for a Societal Collapse : Great Tip on Storing Canned Food

Prepper Food Storage: This tip for using canned foods in your food preps helps with variety and getting a well balanced meal should SHTF happen. This makes your cans easy to store and to inventory and will help combat ‘food boredom’ should SHTF happen and you have to start eating your food preps. Prepper Food Tip.

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This channel is about prepping, self-defense, and other current topics that affect our way of life.

I am a police officer for a small police department; and a staunch supporter of the rights of the people and the US Constitution.

I am also a police academy certified instructor in many topics; but I specialize in firearms and Use of Force law.

Green Leaves by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (


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